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《灵界经历》 第3045节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3045

3045. About the spirits of Jupiter

Spirits of Jupiter are with me and are very surprised that I am able to write the ideas of their thought in this way (for they have guided previously, as also today, the things I have written about them). And this was because when granted reflection [on the matter], they had reported to others, who were also surprised, that this could be done, suggesting to them that the inhabitants of this planet are able to be educated in this way, and whoever reads, to learn.

This I perceived from their thought, and no speaking, from which thought, or perception of their thought I have written these words, they also desiring to affirm this by a still more subtle perception. 1748, 3 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3045


(Spirits of Jupiter are with me, and wonder greatly that I am able to write in this way the ideas of their thought: (for they have related [duxerunt] previously, as also this day, the things which I wrote concerning them:) and inasmuch as reflection was given them, they reported it to others who also wondered that such a thing could take place. It was insinuated in them, that in this way, can the inhabitants of this earth be informed, and everyone who reads knows it. This I perceived from their thought and not from [their] speech: from this thought or perception of their thought, I wrote these things: they also desired to affirm it with a still more subtle perception. - 1748, September 3).

Experientiae Spirituales 3045 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3045. De spiritibus Jovialibus

Joviales spiritus apud me sunt, et mirantur valde, quod ideas cogitationis eorum possim sic scribere, (nam duxerunt ii prius, sicut etiam hodie quae scripsi de iis), et id quia data [iis] reflectio referebant aliis, qui quoque mirati, quod sic fieri possit; quibus insinuatum, quod sic telluris hujus incolae ita informari queant, et scire illud quisquis legit, quod ex cogitatione eorum, et nulla loquela, percepi, ex qua cogitatione, seu perceptione eorum cogitationis haec scripsi, [ii] affirmare 1

id quoque desiderantes, subtiliore adhuc perceptione. 1748, 3 Sept.


1. The Manuscript has affirmae

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