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《灵界经历》 第3048节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3048

3048. I was pondering that therefore no one would be able to think anything good, but I was informed that the good spirits have been separated from the evil ones, so that where the good are, the evil cannot be, thus not in a person who is being led by the Lord or with anyone while in a state of belief. But with me this same thing has been done several times, but they had been permitted to have their watching guards. Without them they would not have been able to enter with their wickedness, as I have experienced today. 1748, 3 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3048

3048. I thought that thus no man could have thought what was good, but I was informed that the good spirits are separated from the evil, so that where the good [are] the evil cannot be, thus with man who is led, by the Lord, and with everyone when he is in a state of faith: Also with me the like several times occurred, but it was permitted them [eis I think] to have with me their stationary [agents]: they could not thus inflow with their wickedness apart from these [agents] as was experienced this day. - 1748, September 3.

Experientiae Spirituales 3048 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3048. Cogitabam, quod sic nullus homo potuisset cogitare quid bonum, sed informatus sum, quod separati sint spiritus boni a malis, sic ut ubi boni non possint esse mali, ita apud hominem, qui ducitur a Domino, et apud quemvis dum in statu est fidei; apud me autem factum est aliquoties similiter, sed permissum erat ei, apud me habere suos stationarios, absque iis cum malitia sua ita influere non potuerunt, quod expertum hodie. 1748, 3 Sept.

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