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《灵界经历》 第3049节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3049

3049. Those from Jupiter concerning the Lord

When I was writing the things told earlier in paragraph 531, I realized that they did not want me to write Human Being and at the same time God in regard to the Lord, because they do not know what God is, but the Supreme One, and that it is enough if they believe Him to be the Supreme One. They love and rejoice extremely to hear the one only Lord, that He alone is a Human Being, and that all the rest derive it from Him that they are human beings. 1748, 3 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3049


(When I wrote those things which [are mentioned] above, No. 531, I perceived that they did not wish that I should write of the Lord, that he is man and at the same time God: because they are ignorant what is God, or what is the highest, and that it is enough to believe him to be the highest. They greatly love and are rejoiced to have heard of a single [unicum] Lord, [and] that [he is] the only man, and that the rest derive from him, that they are men. - 1748, September 3.

Experientiae Spirituales 3049 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3049. Joviales de Domino

Cum scriberem ea quae prius n. 531, percipiebam quod non vellent ut scriberem, quod Homo et simul Deus, de Domino, quia nesciunt quid Deus, sed quid Supremus, et quod satis sit cum credant Ipsum esse Supremum; maxime amant et gavisi sunt, quod audiverunt, unicum Dominum, quod Solus Homo, et quod caeteri ab Ipso habeant, quod homines sint. 1748, 3 Sept.

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