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《灵界经历》 第3052节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3052

3052. However, angelic speech on a higher level functions likewise as a faculty, for that faculty [of spirits] cannot exist unless there is a still deeper one embracing many things in the least parts of an idea. I noticed that they were instructing someone else, but whether he understood, I do not know. This I know, that generals come from there, as was plain to me from many things, and also that the feelings of many in common overflow from there. The reason why I could not engage in the angelic speech I realize, namely, that my spirit is in the body, and spirits put on everything belonging to my bodily memory, so that it is not possible for me to engage in it. 1748, 5 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3052

3052. Now the angelic speech is similarly circumstanced in a superior degree, as if [it were] a faculty: for that faculty cannot be given, unless it is still more interior, and comprehends many things in the single things of the idea. I apperceived that they instructed another: but do not know whether he perceived. I know this that hence spring generals, as was evident to me from many things, also that hence superabound [flow over] [redundant] the affections of many in general. I perceive the reason, why I could not be in angelic speech, to wit, that my spirit is in the body, and that spirits put on everything that belongs to my corporeal memory: wherefore it cannot be granted that I may be therein. - 1748, September 5.

Experientiae Spirituales 3052 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3052. At vero loquela angelica se habet in gradu superiore similiter, sicut facultas, nam facultas ista non dari potest, nisi interior adhuc est, quae multa comprehendit in singulis ideae; appercepi quod instruerent alium, sed num perceperit non scio, id scio, quod communia inde veniunt, quod pluribus mihi constiterat, tum quod affectiones plurium in communi inde redundent: quod in loquela angelica esse non potuerim, percipio causam, nempe quod in corpore sit spiritus meus, et spiritus induant omnia ea quae sunt memoriae meae corporeae, quare non dari potest, ut in ea sim. 1748, 5 Sept.

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