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《灵界经历》 第3053节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3053

3053. What angelic speech is like could be understood also from this, that I was resolved to want to take action for a certain use, but was then dissuaded from it. I was aware of the use within myself, but when I was dissuaded, I realized that many things were involved, so that I ought not to take action for that use. Those many things are distinctly contained in the angelic speech, but with me in such a way that I could understand nothing of them.

But some not upright spirits wanted to shy away [from that speech], as I also realized, for it is just their nature not to let in anything coming from heaven. They can afterwards find out why, but not at the time, because they are acting from their nature. If they were to bring forth their reason, and to say for what use [action should be taken], they can do this in afterthought with many words, but they are only fabrications to support their own things. 1748, 5 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3053

3053. Of what quality is angelic speech could also be perceived, that being induced to will on account of a certain use, but thence being drawn away. I perceived the use with [penes] me: but when drawn away, that there are many things therein, wherefore I could not perform use according thereto. These many things are distinct in angelic speech, but with me I could as it were understand nothing thereof. But spirits, who were not upright, wished to shun [this] speech, as I also perceived from nature, only that they do not admit anything that proceeds from heaven: they can afterwards know the reason, but not at that time, because [they act] from nature. If they brought forth their reason, and said for what use they can afterwards [know] from many things, but these are only fictions confirming their principles. - 1748, September 5.

Experientiae Spirituales 3053 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3053. Qualis loquela angelica 1

percipi potuit quoque exinde, quod inductus velle ob usum quendam [agere], sed inde deductus, usum penes me percepi, sed cum deductus, [percepi] quod plura insint, quare non secundum eum usum facerem {a}, illa plura sunt in loquela angelica distincte, sed apud me ita ut nihil ex eo intelligere potuerim; spiritus autem non probi volebant declinare {b}, quod quoque percepi, ex natura solum, quod non admittant aliquid quod ex coelo, scire possunt postea quare, sed tunc non, quia ex natura; si causam suam depromerent, et dicerent ob quem usum [agendum], possunt postea multis, sed sunt modo figmenta ad confirmanda sua. 1748, 5 Sept.


1. The Manuscript has angelica angilica

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