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《灵界经历》 第306节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 306

306. People rise again not long after the death of the body.

Today I spoke with someone I had known in the life of the body, who recognized himself from his image, as that of a living person, raised up in my mind's eye; also from some other things displayed mentally that he recognized - and this after a period of about 5 months from when he had died. Of course, he did not know or remember much at first, because spirits had not been attached to him; but after spirits had been attached to him, he came back into a seemingly complete understanding and recollection. 1747, the 5th day of December.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 306


I conversed today with someone whom I had known in the life of the body, who recognized himself from his image reawakened in my imagination as of a living person; also from some things represented which he recognized, and this about five months after his death. At first, indeed, he could not know or recall much, because spirits were not adjoined to him; but after spirits were adjoined he then returned as it were into a full understanding and recollection. 1747, Dec. 5.

Experientiae Spirituales 306 (original Latin 1748-1764)

306. Quod homines post mortem corporis non diu post mortem resurgant

Hodie cum aliquo, quem in vita corporis notum habui, colloquutus sum, qui se agnovit ex imagine ejus inimaginatione mea resuscitata sicut vivi, tum ex aliquibus repraesentatis, quae agnovit, et hoc post 5 mensium tempus circiter a quo mortuus est; primum quidem non multum scire et recordari potuit, quia ei non spiritus adjuncti sunt;sed postquam spiritus adjuncti, tunc in plenum quasi intellectum et reminiscentiam, redibat. 1747, die 5 Dec.

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