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《灵界经历》 第307节

(一滴水译本 2020--)



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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 307

307. About some who were raised up into the very inward heaven

Today again two were raised up into a certain forecourt of the very inward heaven, and from there they spoke with me, saying in a loud voice that the eye had never seen, nor could the mind ever grasp, such things! I even felt the happiness itself in me for a time, as well as a sort of waft of pleasure felt in the very inward heaven by one who had been transferred there, and who cried out, saying that he could not bear the joy, if he were not let down; but being surrounded by angels of God the Messiah, he was able to stay there [cf. 293]. 1747, the 5th day of December.

One of them, guided into certain habitations of the very inward heaven, cried out, saying that he was feeling an unceasing variation of delights, accompanied by a very deep sense of joy.

Someone was also raised up with them as an angelic companion, but he said that he noticed nothing of the kind; so that apparent height does not accomplish anything, but only the inward and more inward qualities of heaven.

But those two were only at the outskirts of the very inward heaven, because, not having been dead for very long, they were still not prepared to enter more inwardly. They cried out again, saying there are countless different kinds of delights, so many that no language could ever give expression to them. They really wanted to describe the very wonderful harmony, but could not. They seemed to themselves to have been caught up into the third heaven, but it was only the forecourt of the very inward heaven, as I am now being told. 1747, the 5th day of December.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 307


Today also two were carried up into a certain court of the interior heaven, and thence spoke with me; and they said in a loud voice that the eye never sees, nor can the mind perceive such things. Indeed, to a small extent I perceived the actual happiness in myself. 1Even in the more interior heaven I had felt a certain delight breathing forth from him who had been translated thither, who exclaimed and said that he could not sustain the joy if he were not sent down; but having been surrounded by the angels of God Messiah, he was able to tarry there. 1747, Dec. 5. One of these who had been conducted to certain habitations of the more interior heaven, crying out, said that he perceived continued varieties of delights with quite an interior perception of the joy. There was also a certain one taken up with them as an angelic attendant, but yet he said that no such thing was seen by him; so that the apparent height effects nothing, but only the interior and more interior things of heaven. But the two spoken of above were only at the beginning of the more interior heaven, because they had not been dead very long, so that they were not as yet prepared to enter more interiorly. They again cried out, saying, that the varieties of delights were so innumerable that no tongue could ever utter them; they indeed wanted to describe that most wonderful harmony, but could not. They seemed to themselves to be snatched up into the third heaven, but it was only the court of the more interior heaven, as I am now told. 1747, Dec. 5.


1. Crossed out: "So that I can the more certainly confirm it."

Experientiae Spirituales 307 (original Latin 1748-1764)

307. De iis qui in intimius coelum sublati sunt

Hodie quoque bini in interioris coeli atrium quoddam sublati sunt, et inde mecum loquuti, et alta voce dicebant, quod nusquam oculus talia vidit, aut mens percipere possit! ipsam felicitatem etiam aliquantis per in me percipiebam, etiam in intimiori coelo sensatam 1

quandam anhelationem jucundam ab eo qui illuc erat translatus, clamans et dicens, quod non sustinere possit gaudium, si non dimitteretur, sed angelis Dei Messiae circumdatus, ibi potuit morari 1747 die 5 Dec. Unus ex iis in quasdam mansiones intimioris coeli perductus, clamans dicebat, quod continuas varietates delitiarum, cum intimiori perceptione gaudii, perciperet.Quidam etiam cum iis erat quoque ut comes angelicus sublatus, sed usque ei nihil tale visum esse dicebat, sic ut altitudo apparens nihil efficiat, sed modo interiora et intimiora coeli. Sed bini illi erant modo in principio intimioris coeli, quia non ita diu erant mortui, sic ut ad huc non praeparati intimius intrare; iterum clamabant dicentes, quod delitiarum innumerabiles varietates essent 2

, ut nusquam aliqua loquela eas enuntiare possit; harmoniam mirabilissimam describere quidem volebant, sed non potuerunt. Videbantur sibi in tertium coelum rapti, sed modo erat atrium intimioris coeli, sicut nunc mihi dicitur. 1747, d. 5 Dec.


1. In the Manuscript in sensatam emendatum fuisse nobis videtur

2. In the Manuscript esset in essent emendatum esse videtur

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