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《灵界经历》 第3066节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3066

3066. About the Chinese

One choir came to me in the morning, from where I could not readily recognize, because I was not yet inspired to understand so well the choir's speech and symbolic displays. But they were from the Asiatic regions and from where the Chinese are, as I can discern from the fact that they displayed before me a certain species of animal, in fact a woolly goat, then also a cake made from their grains, then a kind of spoon made of ebony - but that they were thence also from the fact that they understood how their floating cities are fashioned, as at Beijing and elsewhere, in that locality.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3066


A choir came to me in the morning, which I could not so [easily] distinguish [as to] whence [it came], because it was not yet granted to perceive thus the speech and representations of [that] choir; but that [it came] from Asiatic regions, and [from] where the Chinese [are], I can perceive from this; that they presented before me a kind of woolly animal, namely, a sort of goat; then, also, a cake [placenta] [made] from their grain; also, a sort of ebony spoon; also, that then they perceived thence how their celebrated [notubiles] cities are formed. As at Pekin and elsewhere, where [cities] are located [ubi loci].

Experientiae Spirituales 3066 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3066. De Chinensibus

Unus chorus ad me veniebat mane, quem non ita cognoscere potui, unde, quia chori loquelam et repraesentationes nondum ita percipere datum, sed quod ex Asiaticis regionibus, et ubi Chinenses, percipere possum ex eo, quod sisterent speciem animalis cujusdam, scilicet hirci lanati coram me, tum quoque placentam ex granis eorum, tum cochleare quoddam ebenum, inde tum etiam verum 1

ex eo, quod percipiebant quomodo eorum natatiles urbes formantur, sicut ad Pekin et alibi, ibi loci.


1. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition dein

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