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《灵界经历》 第3067节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3067

3067. What they were like in general it was given me to conclude from the fact that they are of a caring nature, or they are moved by charity. I was inspired to see this from the fact that at once when I was burning with the desire for them to approach, moved by that desire they joined me, then also from the fact that when they were thinking it was they alone who had inspired the things I was writing just above about mental imagery [3064-3065], when told that there were also others, who were indignant that they said it was they alone, whereas it was many, then they fell so deeply into the thought whether they had done wrong against their neighbor claiming things which belonged to others, that I perceived their emotion, which was both one of shame and one of acknowledgment that they had injured their neighbor, as well as many other worthy feelings that I cannot describe, for many feelings that run together into one, an earthly human cannot describe.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3067

3067. Hence it was granted to infer their quality in general, they are of charity, or moved by charity, as was granted to perceive from this: that as soon as I was eagerly desirous that they should approach, they were moved by that desire, and drew near; also from this: that when they supposed it was they alone who insinuated the things which I wrote just before, concerning ideas, and when told that there were also others who are indignant that they should say they alone [insinuated] [it], when yet there were many; they then fell into thought [to thinking], whether they have acted wrongly [prevaricati sunt] against the neighbor, in claiming these things to themselves which belonged to others; so that I perceived their commotion, which was as much of shame as of acknowledgment that they have injured the neighbor; also of many worthy affections which I cannot describe; for man cannot distinctly perceive the many affections which concur to one.

Experientiae Spirituales 3067 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3067. Quales essent in communi inde concludere datum, quod sint ex charitate, seu quod moveantur charitate, quod percipere datum ex eo, quod illico cum desiderio accenderer ut accederent, desiderio isto moti se adplicabant, tum etiam ex eo, [quod] cum putarent se esse solos, qui insinuaverint ea quae scriberem mox prius de ideis [3064-3065], cum iis dictum quod etiam alii sint, qui indignati, quod se solos dicerent, cum tamen plures essent, inde [ita] in cogitationem lapsi, num praevaricati sint contra proximum, quod sibi vindicaverint ea, quae aliorum essent, ut eorum commotionem perceperim, quae erat tam pudoris, quam agnitionis quod proximum laeserint, tum plurium aliarum affectionum probarum, quas non possum describere, nam affectiones plures, quae in unam concurrunt, non potest homo distincte percipere.

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