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《灵界经历》 第3079节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3079

3079. Varieties of facial appearances arise from being looked at by angels, such as dreadful, or cloudy, or fiery, as well as beautiful ones, with other diversities

That so many diversities exist especially in the world of spirits, as to their looks, like fires, lights, and very many other characteristics, originates from nothing else than the communication of the deeper knowledges of faith, hence of the varying field of faith, like the lights from the Sun, which are numerous both as to degrees of intensity and as to many other differentiations. Therefore, when such a light falls into the world of spirits, all there who are not of the faith, but of a false faith, look to those who see them like wood-choppers and grass-cutters. Hence the aura of faith has in it [the deeper knowledge] that the Lord Alone is Righteousness and He Alone merits. So those who place merit in themselves appear in this way, and as they appear, so do they seem to behave.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3079


The many diversities that exist, especially in the world of spirits, as regards their aspects, also as regards fires, lights, and very many other things, derive their origin from no other source than from the communication of the knowledges of faith, hence [are] various spheres of faith. It is similar with lights which [arise] from the sun: these lights are many, both as regards [their] degrees of extension [intensionis], and as regards many other differences. When, therefore, such light flows [labitur] into the world of spirits, then all who are not of [true] faith, but of false faith, appear to those who see them, like as wood-cutters [lignarii], and sawyers of grass; hence, since the sphere of faith has, in itself that which was merited by the Lord, who alone is justice, and by him alone; therefore, they who place merit in themselves thus appear, and as they appear, seem to themselves to act.

Experientiae Spirituales 3079 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3079. Quod tales varietates aspectuum sicut quod facies tam horridae, nebulosae, igneae, tum pulchrae, cum diversitatibus aliis, oriantur ex inspectione angelorum

Quod tot diversitates existant cumprimis in mundo spirituum, quoad aspectus eorum, tum quoad ignes, lumina, et perplura alia, non aliunde originem trahit 1

quam a communicatione cognitionum fidei, inde variae sphaerae fidei, sicut luces, quae a Sole, quae luces plures sunt, tam quoad gradus intensionis, quam quoad plures alias differentias; cum itaque lux talis in mundum spirituum labitur, tunc omnes qui sunt non fidei, sed falsae fidei, tales apparent iis qui eos vident, sicut quod lignarii et serrarii graminis, inde quod sphaera fidei in se habet, quod Solus Dominus Justitia et Solus meruit, ideo ii qui in se ponunt meritum, ita apparent,

(3080.) et sicut apparent, sibi videntur agere; inde frigora eorum, inde foetores, et plura, secundum diversitates contrarii, quod constare satis potest exinde, simodo coelum inspicit dolosum, vertitur is in glomum serpentum, et sic porro alii; at qui in fide sua, et in ea fidei veritate aut luce, quae convenit sphaerae, ii pulchri apparent, cum diversa pulchritudine; in infima sphaera ita quoque existunt varia alia quae pulchra sunt: praeter ea sunt quoque lumina, quae quoque inducunt varietates. Haec illustrari possunt a mundanis, sicut a solis luce, ex qua secundum objecta apparent varia, sicut quae radios inordinate recipiunt, colore nigro, tetro obscuro; alia vero sicut irides, tum quoque objecta vegetabilium pulchra, secundum ordinationem partium subtilium recipientium lucem solis. 1748, 6 Sept.


1. The Manuscript has trahunt

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