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《灵界经历》 第3080节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3080

3080. From this come their chills, from this their offensive smells, and the rest, according to the diversities of their contrariness. This shows clearly from the fact that if heaven but looks at a deceitful spirit, he is turned into a ball of snakes, and so it goes with others. But those who have their own faith, and in that faith truth or light that harmonizes with the aura, these look beautiful with a varying beauty. In the lowest realm, too, there exists a variety of objects that appear beautiful. Besides these, there are also lights that produce variations. These can be illustrated on the worldly level for example by the sun's light, which causes things to appear in various ways depending on the objects, those that receive the rays in a jumbled manner looking of a black, dirty, dark color, while others, like a rainbow, as also objects of the plant world, look beautiful, according to the arrangement of the finest parts receiving the light of the sun. 1748, 6 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3080

3080. Hence their cold [frigora], hence the offensive smells [foetores], and many things, according to diversities of the contrary [principle]. This may be sufficiently evident from this: if heaven only inspects a deceitful [spirit], he is turned into a ball of serpents, and so on with others. But they who [are] in their faith, and in that truth of faith or light which agrees with [their] sphere, these appear beautiful, with different beauty. So also in the lowest sphere exist various other things which are beautiful. Besides these, there are also lights which also introduce varieties. These things may be illustrated by worldly things, for instance, by the light of the sun; from which, according to the objects, appear various things, to wit, those which receive the rays inordinately, exhibit black, dull [tetro], obscure colors; but others are like rainbows [in colors]; also the objects of vegetables [are] beautiful, according to the arrangement [ordinationem] of the subtle parts receiving the light of the sun. - 1748, September 6.

Experientiae Spirituales 3080 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3080. [vide 3079]

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