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《灵界经历》 第3092节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3092

3092. It was then proposed to those high up in the zenith to solve this question: Who is living, one who is led by the Lord, or one led by self; for the latter imagine that there is no life unless it comes from oneself, and that one led by the Lord would thus be devoid of life. They are unable to think differently. The proposal was that they should decide which was true, since they believe that one not led by self is not living, while I believe that one led by self is not living.

They deliberated, and as soon as something of understanding was imparted to them by the Lord, they realized that it is true life that comes from the Lord, and not true life that comes from oneself, being both from evils and aiming toward evil; consequently, that a life aimed at evil is non-genuine, and that a life aimed at good is a true one. It was clear to me that they realized this, but they were still looking for another avenue by which to escape it. 1748, 7 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3092

3092. It was then propounded to those who were on high [in] the zenith, to solve this proposition. Who is alive? He that is led by the Lord, or he who is led by himself: for such [spirits], suppose that there is no life, unless it comes from themselves, and thus that he was devoid of life who [is led] by the Lord. They cannot think otherwise. Such was the proposition: that since they suppose that he who is not led by himself is not alive, and I believe that he who is led by himself is not alive. They should decide which is true. They deliberated and as soon as anything intellectual was granted them by the Lord, they perceived that it is the true life which [comes] from the Lord, and that the life which [proceed) from self is not a true life, because [it proceeds] at the same time from the evil and to evil: consequently that the life [which proceeds] to evil is a spurious one, and that the life [which proceeds] to good is a true [life]. I understood that they perceive this, but still they sought for another life, so that they might extricate themselves thence. - 1748, September 7.

Experientiae Spirituales 3092 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3092. Iis qui in alto zenith erant 1

propositum tunc erat solvere hanc propositionem: quis vivit, qui a Domino ducitur, vel qui a semet? nam tales putant quod nulla sit vita, nisi ex se veniat, et quod sic expers vitae esset, qui a Domino, aliter ii putare nequeunt; propositio talis erat, cum ii putant quod qui a semet non ducitur, is non vivat, et ego credo, qui a semet ducitur, quod non vivat, ut deciderent quid verum; deliberatum est, ac utprimum aliquid intellectuale iis a Domino dabatur percipiebant quod vera vita sit, quae [a] Domino, et quod non vera vita quae a semet, quia a malis simul, et ad malum, proinde quod vita ad malum sit spuria, et quod vita ad bonum sit vera, quod intellectum a me eos percipere, sed usque quaerebant aliam viam, ut inde se extricarent. 1748, 7 Sept.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has erat

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