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《灵界经历》 第3100节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3100

3100. About a place where there are bodily delights

Toward the left rather low down at a distance, leftward from the old Jerusalem, is a place where they practice things that had been delightful in bodily life, such as sports, dancing and the like. Into this place those are led down who come recently from the bodily into the other life in order to practice such things there. For whatever pleasures and delights they had had in the life of the body return, and are permitted so that they may be shed.

They spoke with me from there, and I was prompted to tell them that such activities are but outer ones that they hardly tell apart from inner ones until they receive a perception of inner ones. For such pleasures as these also wither away and become abominations, like other superficial enjoyments, which surely decay after a short time. 1748, 8 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3100


Towards the left below, at [some] distance: leftwards from the old Jerusalem, is a place where they practice such things as have been delightful in the life of the body, for instance, sports, dances, and the like. Into this place are brought those who come recently from the life of the body into the other [life], so that there they may practice such things, for such pleasures and delights as have been enjoyed in the life of the body, return and are permitted in order that [spirits] may be divested thereof. They spoke with me from thence, and it was given to tell them that such things are but external, that can scarcely be distinguished from internals, because they enjoy a perception of internals. For such [pleasures] also wither and become abominations, just like other external pleasantnesses, which decay [putrescent], yea, after a short time. - 1748, September 8.

Experientiae Spirituales 3100 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3100. De loco ubi delitiae corporeae

Versus sinistram inferius {a} ad distantiam, sinistrorsum a veteri Hierosolyma, est locus ubi exercent 1

talia quae in vita corporis delitiosa fuerunt, sicut ludos, saltationes, et similia, in quem locum deducuntur ii qui recens a corporis vita in alteram veniunt, ut ibi talia exerceantur, nam quae voluptates et delitiae in corporis vita fuerunt, redeunt, et permittuntur, ut exuantur iis; mecum inde loquuti, et iis dicere datum, quod talia sint, sed externa, quae vix dignoscuntur ab internis, antequam perceptionem internorum percipiant; nam tales quoque emarccscunt, et fiunt abominationes, sicut jucunditates externae aliae, quae putrescunt, et quidem post breve tempus. 1748, 8 Sept.


1. The Manuscript has excercent

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