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《灵界经历》 第3108节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3108

3108. they would have entirely denied it, calling it illusions. So they were in such a state with me, inquiring whether it was so, then thinking it was illusion and that I know nothing of these things, although they know [that I do]. But finally convinced, they were led into a different state so that they might affirm it. Even now they are in a state of affirming, but not of believing, 1748, 9 Sept. Sometimes there is this kind of persuasive preaching, so that those who believe nothing and think they are to die like the brute animals, then seem to themselves to be lifted up into heaven, but soon, as they exit from the Church, they believe nothing, and for the rest mock at such things. That they are elevated into heaven, I perceived from a spiritual mental image, and also from actual experience on the part of certain ones. 1748, 9 Sept.

When people are in this persuasive state, and are lifted up, then the Lord is working, and sowing in their minds and storing up what are called "remains," as He does also at many other times, as during misfortunes and temptations. This was just slipped into my mind. 1748, 9 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3108

3108. and said that these things were illusions. Wherefore [while] in such a state, they have been with me, inquiring whether it is so, and then supposed that it is an illusion, and that I knew nothing, touching [ex] these things, although they do. But at last they were convinced, and led into another state, so that they might imagine [it] [autumarent]. They are now also in a state of imagining [autumandi], but not in a state of believing. - 1748, September 9. Sometimes, also, such persuasive preaching occurs [datur], that they who believe nothing, and think they are to die like brutes, then seem to themselves to be, as it were, elevated to heaven, but yet as soon as they go forth from the church, believe nothing, and on the other hand [aliquin], make sport of such things. That they are elevated to heaven, I perceived from a spiritual idea: also from living experience with certain ones. - 1748, September 9. When man is in such persuasive state, and is elevated, then the Lord operates, and implants [inseminat], and conceals in their minds those things which are called remains: also at many other times, as when [men are] in misfortunes and temptations. This was now insinuated in my mind [mihi nunc insinuatum]. - 1748, September 9.

Experientiae Spirituales 3108 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3108. [vide 3107]

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