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《灵界经历》 第3109节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3109

3109. About those who are in the zenith, up high

Those up high in the zenith are they who in their life had been hypocrites, outwardly seeming like angels, but inwardly being wolves. They flatter, as was told [3090], which the gentleness of their influence also showed, but they lie in wait deceitfully, and as often as there is an opportunity and they see a person slipping, they work hard to cause the person to fall headlong. I have spoken with some, and they are present as I write,

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3109


Those who are on high in the zenith, are those who during life were hypocrites; in externals seemed to be angels, but inwardly are wolves, and use flatteries [adblandiuntur], as has been said. The mildness of their influx also shows this: but they craftily lie in wait: as often as occasion is given, and they see that man falls, they then assist with every effort, so that he may fall headlong. I spoke with them, and they are present when I write.

Experientiae Spirituales 3109 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3109. De iis qui in zenith, alte 1

Qui in zenith alte, sunt qui in vita hypocritae, externis visi ut angeli, interne autem sunt lupi, adblandiuntur, sicut dictum [3090], lenitudo influxus eorum hoc quoque ostendit, sed insidiantur subdole, ut quoties datur occasio vident labi hominem, tunc {a} adjuvant omni opera, ut praeceps cadat; cum iis loquutus adsunt cum scribo,


1. post caput apparet manu B. Chastanier scriptum vide n. 3088

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