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《灵界经历》 第3110节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3110

3110. who imagine they are ruled by themselves, and not by the Lord. So they are sometimes punished in this manner, that their group, which resembles one person, is taken apart, the separation being done by certain ones down below near the buttocks blowing at them, so to speak, as I learned from them. Then they are dissociated and act as many individually, and this causes great annoyance. There is an uproar among them, their complaint was heard that they did not know what would come of it, acknowledging now that they were entirely powerless, while they otherwise imagine themselves able to do everything.

Those below the buttocks interact with those in the zenith along a perpendicular line, because they are of that character, but those below at the buttocks are moved by the desire to punish everyone in a subtle manner. They were not seen by me, but only detected by their method of blowing by which [those above] had been taken apart.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3110

3110. These suppose that they are ruled by themselves, and not by the Lord. Wherefore, they are sometimes so punished [mulctantur], that their consociation which, as it were, resembles one person, is separated. The separation [is effected], as I perceived, by the blowing, as it were, of certain who are below, near the buttocks. They are then dissociated, and act as many. This takes place with great molestation [to them], there is uproar amongst them, their complaint is heard, that they knew not what would hence result: and they then acknowledged that they are of no power whatever, though at other times [alioquin], they suppose they are able [to accomplish] everything. Those who are under the buttocks, correspond with those who are in the perpendicular line of the zenith, because they are of such a nature: but they who are below, at the buttocks [adnates], are borne away by the cupidity of punishing everyone in a subtle manner: for they were not seen by me, but only perceived by such a mode of blowing [insuffationis] [as that] whereby [they were] separated.

Experientiae Spirituales 3110 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3110. ii qui putant se a semet regi, non a Domino, quare quandoque ita mulctantur, quod consociatio eorum, quae sicut unam personam refert, separetur, separationem quasi insufflantibus quibusdam qui infra circa nates, a quibus id percepi, tunc dissociantur, et agunt ut multi, et hoc fit cum magna molestia, est turba inter eos, conquestus eorum auditus, quod nescirent quid inde fieret, tunc agnoscentes, quod nihil prorsus valeant, cum alioqui omnia se posse putant: qui sub natibus respondent iis in zenith in linea perpendiculari, quia talis naturae sunt, sed qui infra ad nates cupiditate feruntur puniendi quemcunque subtili modo, nam non visi a me, sed modo percepti per talem insufflationis modum, quo separati.

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