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《灵界经历》 第3114节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3114

3114. Mankind could not possibly be better led

Spirits imagine that they could have been led differently, and so have become better than they are, thus kept from evils in act, and more such things. The evil cast the blame on the Lord, but they were told that the blame is theirs. By a spiritual mental image I saw that they can never be better led, so there are necessities all the moments of their life, as you may see above [2628-2630]. And it has been foreseen from eternity, and thus provided, that all things down to the very least tend toward the final purpose that they may be parts in the grand Man, that is, in the Kingdom of the Lord. Because this is not perceptible to them due to their gazing at details, it was granted them to realize that omnipotence, or infinite Power, can arrange things in [the best] way. For even a human being can lead another almost similarly in some details, when he or she knows the other's evil nature or desire, such that it can be said that

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3114


Spirits suppose that they could have been led differently, and so become better than they are, thus be kept from actual evils, and many things. The evil throw the blame on the Lord, but they were told that it is their fault. I perceived in spiritual idea, that they can never be led better [than they are]: so that there are necessities every moment of their lives, as you may see previously [mentioned]: and it was previded from eternity, and so previded that each and all things tend to our ultimate end, to be [that they may be] parts in the Grand Man, that is, in the Lord's kingdom. Inasmuch as this is not perceptible by them, on account of intuitions of particulars, it was given to perceive that omnipotence, or infinite power can so dispose; for even man can thus almost similarly lead man in some particulars, when he knows his evil nature or cupidity.

Experientiae Spirituales 3114 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3114. Quod homo non usquam melius duci queat

Spiritus putant, quod aliter duci potuissent, et sic meliores fieri, quam sunt, sic a malis actualibus arceri, et pluribus, mali culpam conjiciunt in Dominum, sed iis dictum quod culpa est eorum; idea spirituali perceptum mihi, quod nusquam melius duci queant, sic ut sint necessitates omnia momenta vitae eorum, ut prius videas [2628-2630]; et ab aeterno praevisum, et sic provisum, ut omnia et singula tendant ad finem ultimum, ut sint partes in Homine magno, hoc est, in Regno Domini; hoc quia ab iis ob particularium intuitiones non perceptibile est, datum est [iis] 1

percipere, quod omnipotentia, seu infinita Potentia ita disponere potest nam quoque homo hominem similiter paene in aliquibus particularibus ita ducere potest, cum novit ejus malam

(3115.) naturam seu cupiditatem, ut dicere possit, quod non aliter duci possit, sed quod per optima ductus ita sit, sin aliter, percipit 2

, quod inde majus ei malum, seu malum non bonum; quare Infinita Potentia quae omnia et singula simul videt, et futura ut praesentia, ita disponere potest, et quia potest, etiam disponit, nam [per] ducere et flectere malum, quod continuo tendit ad pejus et pessimum, intelligi potest, quod is qui est malus in pessimum cupit, se volendo sic ducere, at quod Dominus flectat in minus malum, et tam parvum, quam usquam possibile est; verbo omnia momenta vitae sunt necessitates, quia homo talis est, se continuo praecipitare cupiens et studens in malum pessimum. 1748, 10 Sept.##

3117 1

. ## Illustratum per aliquem qui dicebat se scire quid velit, cui insinuatum quod non aliud sciat, quam quod tendit ad ejus jucunditatem, et nihil praeterea, quare repraesentata jucunditas colore quasi flavo, in quam remissus, sed momento tunc retinebatur, ne eo laberetur; is tunc alia phantasia actus, percipiebat, quod non ego, quod si non retentus, lapsus fuisset in sui perniciem totalem, sic quod amplius ita non cupiat ut emitteretur ei labi in jucunda sua, quae praevidet; confessus usque, tametsi malus, quod Dominus sustinuerit eum; nunc in cogitatione sui lapsus anxietate multa premi dicitur. 1748, 10 Sept.


1. cf. indicem ad Malum

2. The Manuscript has aliter percipit

1. 3117 conformiter auctoris indiciis inter 3115 et 3116 transpono

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