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《灵界经历》 第3115节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3115

3115. he cannot be led differently, but has thus been led by means of the best things, and if he were led differently, sees that greater evil would come to him, or evil instead of good. Therefore the Infinite Power, which sees all things down to the least detail, and future things as present, is able to arrange, and because He is able, also does arrange things in this way. For by leading and bending evil, which continually tends toward a worse and the worst evil, can be understood to mean that one who is evil desires [to go] into the worst, thus wanting to lead himself, but that the Lord bends him into a lesser evil, and one as small as ever possible. In short, all the moments of life are necessities, because the human being is such as he is, continually desiring and striving to plunge himself into the worst evil. 1748, 10 Sept. # #

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3115

3115. so that he may say, that he cannot be led differently, but that such a leading is the best [per optima] unless he perceives otherwise that hence [comes] the greater evil to him, or evil and not good. Wherefore Infinite Power which sees each and all things at once, and the future as present, can so dispose; and inasmuch as he is able, does also dispose; for the leading [of man] and the bending of evil, that continually tends to worse and worse, may be understood [by this], that he who is evil desires [to proceed] into the worst, by thus wishing to lead himself: but that the Lord bends [him] to less evil and as little as is ever possible. In a word all the moments of life are necessities, because man is of such a nature, that he continually desires and aims to precipitate himself into the worst evil. - 1748, September 10....

Experientiae Spirituales 3115 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3115. [vide 3114]

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