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《灵界经历》 第3116节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3116

3116. Spirits in the other life are not only caught sight of in certain places, but their bodies in a certain position

Some appear standing in their place, who nevertheless told me they were walking, and some with the body upright. Some appeared as if within the body, with the head downward and upper back above, some sitting on the ground, some also sitting but not visibly, some differently, due to different causes; some as if lying stretched out, and so on. 1748, 10 Sept.

One spirit is led by another, and so forth

From much experience I know that one spirit is led by another, and the other by another, so there is no one not led by another, which they also admitted when it was shown them, so that 1


1. This sentence was left incomplete.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3116

3116. . . . [This is] illustrated by means of a certain one, who said that he knows what he wills. It was insinuated in him that he knows nothing else, than what tends to his pleasantness, and nothing besides. Wherefore pleasantness [was] represented by a yellow color as it were, into which [he was] remitted: but was then detained a moment, lest he should fall therefrom. He [was] then actuated by another phantasy, and perceived, though I did not, that if [he had] not been detained, he would have fallen into his total destruction: therefore he no longer thus desires, that it may be remitted to him to fall into his pleasant things which he prevides [foresees], and further, though evil, confessed that the Lord sustained him. In the thought of his fall, he is said to be now overwhelmed [premi] with much anxiety. - 1748, September 10.

Experientiae Spirituales 3116 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3116. Quod spiritus in altera vita non solum conspiciantur in locis certis, sed corpora eorum in certo positu

Quidam apparent in loco suo stantes, qui usque dixerunt mihi quod ambularent, et quidem erecto corpore; quidam, ut intra corpus, qui capite deorsum, et dorso scapularum sursum; quidam sedentes, super solio; quidam quoque sedentes sed non conspicue; quidam aliter, quod ex aliis causis venit; quidam quandoque tanquam strati jacentes, et sic porro. 1748, 10 Sept.

Quod unus spiritus ducatur ab altero, et sic porro

Ex pluri experientia mihi notum est, quod unus spiritus ducatur ab altero, et sic porro, sic ut nullus sit qui non ab alio ducatur; quod et fassi, iis ostensum, sic ut 1


1. hic articulus inabsolutus et non numeratus pluribus lineis transversalibus potius deletus esse videtur

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