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《灵界经历》 第3143节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3143

3143. Knowledge is also implanted in spirits

From experience it has become known to me that spirits retain by an inward memory whatever they hear, see, perceive, just as people on earth do by an outward memory, but that they are not able to recall them, only the Lord. That these things are seated in their memory, became known to me from several experiences, as for instance, that the ones who have been present longer know better what has been going on with me than others. Then also, that some of them recalled to memory, as I perceived, what had happened to them after death, such as the things they endured about which I had no knowledge; besides others that I do not remember. 1748, 13 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3143


It was made known to me by experience, that spirits retain in the interior memory, what they hear, see, [and] perceive, just as men [do in] the exterior memory: but that they cannot recall these things, [but] only the Lord [can]. It was made known to me, that they occupy the memory of some, so that they who have been the longest with me know better than others what has been transacted, with [in] [apud] me. Again, I perceived that it was also recalled into the memory of some what had befallen them after death, as [per instance] what they have endured, concerning which I had no knowledge: besides other things, which I do not recollect. - 1748, September 13.

Experientiae Spirituales 3143 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3143. Quod etiam scientifica implantentur spiritibus

Ab experientia mihi notum factum, quod spiritus memoria interiore, retineant ea, quae audiunt, vident, percipiunt, sicut homines memoria exteriore, sed quod illi revocare ea nequeunt, solum Dominus; quod insideant memoriae ex aliquibus mihi notum factum, ut quod ii sciant melius quid peractum apud me, qui diutius fuerunt, quam alii; tum etiam quod revocatum quibusdam in memoriam, sicut percepi, quid eis contigerat post mortem, ut quae sustinuerunt, de quibus nullam cognitionem habui; praeter alia, quorum non recordor. 1748, 13 Sept.

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