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《灵界经历》 第3145节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3145

3145. Angels are able to know the whole nature of man or spirit from a single one of their mental images

A certain one of the spirits, when he had heard that angels are able to know the whole nature of a person from a single mental image of a word, was surprised, and wanted it confirmed from experience. So an angel came to him and disclosed what he saw from a single idea of his, which did not seem so evil, telling him what he was like. Because this spirit had had the goal of glory of fame and name after his death, and indeed greater glory than any other, [the angel] showed him what he had found him to be like, namely, that if he were able to slay the whole human race for the sake of the sole glory of his name, he would take the greatest pleasure in doing so. Thus he was devoid of mercy-a quality he had acquired by this actuality, that he had gloried and taken pleasure at thousands stretched out and lying in blood after battles.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3145


A certain spirit, when he heard that angels can know the whole nature of man, from but a single idea of a word, was astonished, and wished to be confirmed concerning it, through experience: wherefore an angel came to him, and disclosed what he perceived from a single idea of his, which however did not seem so [very] evil, and told him its quality; who, inasmuch as he had as an end, the glory of reputation and name after death, and indeed so much so, that no other man [could] more desire [fame] [the angel] showed him of what quality [was his idea], having found, to wit, that if he could have killed the universal human race, for only the glory of his name, he would thence derive the greatest pleasure, so that he had no mercy. He had acquired this by that actuality, inasmuch as he took glory and pleasure from [in the sight of] thousands stretched and lying in blood after battles. - 1748, September 13.

Experientiae Spirituales 3145 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3145. Quod angeli totam naturam hominis aut spiritus ex una idea ejus scire queunt

Quidam ex spiritibus, qui dum audivit quod angeli scire possint totam naturam hominis ex una solum vocis idea, miratus, et voluit confirmari de eo per experientiam, quare angelus ad eum venit, et detexit quid ex una ejus idea, quae tamen non visa ita mala, perceperit, ei dicens qualis esset: qui quia pro fine habuit famae et nominis gloriam post mortem, et quidem tantam, ut non alius homo magis, ei ostendit qualis compertus, quod nempe si universum genus humanum potuisset interficere, pro sola nominis sui gloria, quod inde summam voluptatem haberet, sic ut nullius misericordiae esset, quod actualitate ea induit, quia {a} gloriatus et voluptatem ceperit, ex millibus stratis et jacentibus in sanguine, post proelia. 1748, 13 Sept.

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