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《灵界经历》 第3147节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3147

3147. Everyone in the other life must perform a use, and from usefulness must possess happiness

I spoke with spirits to the effect that even excretions in the human body carry out a use, such as the three biles, which are otherwise to be cast out, but still perform important uses to the intestines, and in digesting foods. Then when the remaining parts are expelled, they perform a use to the fields from which useful things [come]. Through barleys and like grains, they again perform a use in the body, and so further and further.

Thence the conversation turned to those in the other life, to the effect that all must perform a use, so there must be no one who does not perform a use, to their own world, to the human race, to the world of spirits, to heaven; finally, that in heaven, their happiness consists in this, that everyone may perform a use so that they may be allotted happiness therefrom by the Lord. It is evident that happiness is from their performing a use, from the fact that they are granted by the Lord to love purposes, which are uses, etc. 1748, 13 Sept.

This is illustrated in an army, in that there must be no one who does not carry out a use; likewise in general society, and in a kingdom, otherwise the person is a useless burden. How much more in the other life, in the Kingdom of the Lord, where nothing but uses and purposes are living! 1748, 13 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3147


I spoke with spirits [to the effect] that in the human body even the excretions perform use: for instance, the three biles which otherwise [for other reasons] are to be cast out, yet still perform signal uses to the intestines, and in the digestion of food: then when the remaining parts are carried out, they perform a use to the fields: hence useful [things], through barley and the like, again perform use in the body, and so on still farther. Hence it was spoken concerning those in the other life that [they] all must perform use, so that there must be no one who does not perform use to his world, the human race, the world of spirits [and] to heaven: finally, that in heaven their felicity consists in the performance of use, so that thence they obtain felicity from the Lord. That [their] felicity [springs] from performing use is evident from this, that the Lord grants them to love ends, which are uses. etc. - 1748. September 13. It was illustrated by this, that in an army there ought to be no one who is not of use: it is the same in general society, and the kingdom: otherwise he is a useless burden which [cannot be] in the other life in the Lord's kingdom, where nothing lives but uses on ends, and hence loves. - 1748, September 13.

Experientiae Spirituales 3147 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3147. Quod unusquisque in altera vita usum praestare debet, et ex usu habere debet felicitatem

Loquutus sum cum spiritibus, quod in corpore humano etiam excretiones faciant usum, sicut tres biles, quae alioquin ejiciendae, sed usque praestant insignes usus intestinis, et cibis digerendis, tum cum partes reliquae egeruntur, usum praestant agris, inde utilia per hordea et similia rursus in corpore usum praestant, et sic porro ulterius: inde loquutum est de iis in altera vita, quod omnes praestare debeant usum, sic ut nullus esse debeat, qui non usum praestet, suo mundo, humano generi, mundo spirituum, coelo; tandem quod in coelo, felicitas eorum consistat in eo, ut usum praestare possit, sic ut felicitatem inde sortiantur a Domino; quod felicitas ex eo quod usum praestent, constat ex eo, quod amare iis datur a Domino fines, qui sunt usus, etc. 1748, 13 Sept. Illustratum per id quod in exercitu nullus esse debeat qui non usum faciat, in societate communi, et regno similiter, alioquin est inutile pondus: quid non in altera vita, in Regno Domini, ubi nihil nisi quam usus seu fines, et inde amores vivunt! 1748 1

, 13 Sept.


1. The Manuscript has vivunt. 1748

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