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《灵界经历》 第3148节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3148

3148. The human body has been formed entirely from the grand Human

It was imparted out of heaven that this can be seen from the human being, whose body has been formed entirely subject to all the decisions of the will, to enable it to go forth into action. Will pertains to love.

Moreover the Human brain is formed after the mental image, as they call it, of the whole heaven of angels and of the world of spirits, and out of the brain as from heaven, every form or structure of the body comes forth, so as to be able to respond to its nod. This shows that all things of the body are representative of heavenly and spiritual things. 1748, 13 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3148


It was insinuated from heaven that this may be evident from man, whose body is entirely formed according to all the judgments [arbitria] of the will, so that it may bring it forth into act; the will is of love. Moreover, the human cerebrum is formed after [ad] the idea, as they call it, of the universal heaven of angels, and world of spirits: and from the cerebrum, as from heaven, exists all the form or structure of the body, so as to be able to correspond to its nod. Hence it is evident, that everything [pertaining] to the body, is representative of celestial and spiritual things. - 1748, September 13.

Experientiae Spirituales 3148 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3148. Quod corpus humanum formatum prorsus sit ex maximo Homine

Insinuatum est e coelo, quod hoc constare possit ex homine, cujus corpus prorsus formatum sit secundum omnia voluntatis arbitria, ita ut in actum producere possit, voluntas est amoris; praeterea cerebrum Humanum est formatum ad ideam, ut vocant, universi coeli angelorum et mundi spirituum, et ex cerebro, ut a coelo, omnis forma seu structura corporis existit, ut nutui ejus correspondere possit; inde constat, quod omnia corporis sint repraesentativa, coelestium et spiritualium. 1748, 13 Sept.

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