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《灵界经历》 第3153节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3153

3153. Its opposite is overhead, where nothing else comes forth but that which almost crazes man-like erotic love, when it drives young men into wantonness - and which results in the kind of things that appeared in the foolhardy one spoken of previously [3135-3141, 3149-3150], who in his adolescence was so far gone that no one was ever more insane-a case of the absolute limit of insanity breaking out in that sort of behavior in ultimate carnal extremes. This is a familiar phenomenon with those who become insane from such practices. 1748, 14 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3153

3153. The opposite thereof is above the head, where nothing exists, but what causes man to be as it were mad, as is the case when youth [juvenes] [are] in yrhet thence, which is manifested by such [traits] as existed in the audacious [spirit] previously mentioned, who was in his adolescence, of such a nature, that no other [was] ever more insane. This was the very [prorsus] extreme of insanity, bursting out into the like, in the extremes, of corporeal ultimates; as may be known from those who are insane from such things. - 1748, September 14.

Experientiae Spirituales 3153 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3153. Oppositum ejus [provinciae] est supra caput, ubi nihil nisi tale existit, quod facit hominem quasi vesanum esse, sicut [amor venereus,] 1

cum juvenes [agat] in 2

yrhet {a} inde, quod se manifestat per talia quae exstiterunt in Temerario prius dicto [3135-3141, 3149-3150], qui in sua adolescentia talis fuit, ut nusquam insanior alius, quod erat extremum prorsus insaniae in similia in extremis seu ultimis corporeis erumpentis; sicut notum esse potest ab iis qui insaniunt ex talibus. 1748, 14 Sept.


1. cf. indicem ad Lascivia, ut et 3177

2. The Manuscript has juvenos (sic!) in (?)

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