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《灵界经历》 第3152节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3152

3152. On the upbringing of little Children

There are those who most tenderly love little children, so that if there are only babies and little children, they are like the gentlest mothers, and can scarcely live except in a situation where the tender love of little ones prevails. These constitute the province in the man of the testicles and their dependent organs, and in the woman, of the neck of the womb and the womb with the ovaries and every other connected organ. Those who are in that province live the sweetest, most pleasant, happiest life, such that just the sweetness and pleasantness of that state is indescribable. Their province is between the loins.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3152


[Those] who most tenderly love infants, so that they only [love] the fetus, and infants [and] are as most tender mothers, so that they can scarce live, but in a state where the tender love of infants prevails, these constitute a province in the quarter [vico] of the testicles, and organs dependent thence: and in woman [the province] of the neck of the womb, and of the womb with the ovaries, and each of its appendages. They who are in such province, live in the sweetest, most agreeable [and] happy life, that it cannot be described, only [that] its state [is] agreeableness and sweetness. Their province is between the loins.

Experientiae Spirituales 3152 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3152. De Infantum educatione

Qui tenerrime amant infantes, sic ut modo {a} foetus et infantes, sint ut tenerrimae matres, ut vix queant vivere nisi in statu ubi infantum amor tener regnat, ii constituunt provinciam in viro 1

testiculorum, et inde dependentium organorum, et in muliere, cervicis uteri, ac uteri cum ovariis et singulis annexis, qui in tali provincia sunt, ii in vita dulcissima, suavissima, felicissima vivunt, ut non describi queat, modo ejus status suavitas et dulcedo. Eorum provincia est inter lumbos.


1. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition vico

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