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《灵界经历》 第3161节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3161

3161. human thought, which is not only vague, but no thought; then I said that of course, there are variations of generalities, but they are still similar: namely, there are vague ones, and those that are as none at all. Nevertheless they showed me for a quarter if not a half hour that they had a distinct mental image of generalities and at the same time of everything in the generality. For they observed so accurately all the variations and changes of my thinking, together with all and the least things that arose regarding the variations and changes of my thought and feeling, that no other spirits could do so better. From all this, one may clearly conclude that they had a distinct mental image of generalities, and better than others, because they told true things, and at the same time they looked into all and the least things that were necessary to draw a conclusion, and indeed

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3161

3161. that such generals cannot contain [habere] a distinct idea of anything, as is usually the case with the general thought of man, which is not only obscure, but a nothing [nulla]. I said that there are indeed granted variations of generals, but still [they are] similar, for [they are] obscure, as it were nothing [nulloe]. Nevertheless they showed me for a quarter, if not a half hour, that they had a distinct idea of generals, at the same time of everything in the general; for all the variations and changes of my thoughts together with each and all things that existed about [circa] the variations and changes of my thought and affection, they observed so accurately, that no other spirits [could have observed them] better. From which it may plainly be inferred that they had a distinct idea of generals, and that [this] better than others [et quod melius quam alibi], inasmuch as they spoke true [dicebant vera], and at the same time beheld each and all that was necessary to the conclusion.

Experientiae Spirituales 3161 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3161. [vide 3160]

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