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《灵界经历》 第3162节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3162

3162. in such a way that I was beginning almost to be afraid to think anything more. For they uncovered things that I did not want to be disclosed, concerning feelings and the like that lay hidden in the variety of my thought and feeling. So I even perceived in myself a listlessness in regard to any more speaking with them. When I noticed this listlessness, a head of hair appeared not far from my face, who betook himself into my body, spoke something hoarsely-it was a spirit thus appearing-because, it is now imparted, he was like something only corporeal, that is, a general corporeal quality was being symbolized, corresponding [to their general mental im-age]. So I even finally fell asleep.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3162

3162. yea, so that I began, as it were, to fear to think anything more, for they discussed those things which I was not so willing to be discovered, as touching the affections and the like, which were hid [latebant] in the variety of my thought and affection. Wherefore I also perceived in [apud] me a listlessness as regards any more speaking with them. When this listlessness [torpor] was observed, there appeared a head with long hair [crinitum] not far from [my] face which brought itself within my body, and spoke something harshly. It was a spirit that so appeared, because, as is now insinuated, there was signified merely a [principle] similar to the body, to wit, a general [commune] corporeal correspondent. Wherefore, also, he at length fell into sleep.

Experientiae Spirituales 3162 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3162. [vide 3160]

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