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《灵界经历》 第3168节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3168

3168. Balance exists in all things of the world of spirits and of heaven

There are pure balances, as was shown also by footsteps, when some wanted me to go hither, others thither, as well as by something else, as happened also earlier [cf. 1907], and I spoke with spirits about balances, and the fact that all things to the very least in the universal body are kept in balance, thus also in the atmospheric world, and in all and the least things of nature. And it was also shown that in an equilibrium it is the tiniest and very least force that produces a moving, such that even those things that appear most strong and resistant are moved.

This is the case in the world of spirits and in heaven, where there are balances in all things, and thus all and the least are controlled by the Lord most easily and with no trouble; for which reason balances are preserved. This is the reason why souls must, through disquieting treatment, shed those things which are not in equilibrium. 1748, 15 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3168


That mere equilibriums exist, was also shown by [my] goings [gressus], when certain wished that I should go here, others [that I should go there]; also by something else [aliud] as was previously [done]: and I spoke with spirits concerning equilibriums [saying] that each and all things in the universal body, are held in equilibrium: it is so in the atmospheric world, and in each and all the things of nature. It was further shown that in equilibrium, the slightest and least force moves, and causes that even what appears very strong and resistant, is moved. Thus is it in the world of spirits and in heaven, where there are equilibriums of all things: and thus each and all things are ruled by the Lord very easily, and with no trouble: wherefore equilibriums are preserved: hence the reason that souls must through sufferings [vexationes] divest [themselves] of whatever is not in equilibrium. - 1748, September 15.

Experientiae Spirituales 3168 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3168. Quod aequilibrium in omnibus mundi spirituum et coeli existat

Ostensum est etiam per gressus, cum quidam volebant ut huc irem, alii illuc, tum per aliud, sicut prius quoque [cf. 1907], quod mera aequilibria sint, et de aequilibriis loquutus cum spiritibus, quod omnia et singula in universo corpore in aequilibrio teneantur, sic in mundo atmosphaerico, ac in omnibus et singulis naturae, tum ostensum quod in aequilibrio 1

pusilla vis et minima sit, quae movens tunc efficit, ut etiam ea quae apparent maxime fortia et resistentia, moveantur; ita se habet in mundo spirituum et in coelo, ubi omnium aequilibria sunt, et sic facillime 2

et nullo negotio reguntur omnia et singula a Domino, quare conservantur aequilibria; inde causa quod per vexationes exuere debeant animae quae in aequilibriis non sint. 1748, 15 Sept.


1. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition aequilibri,

2. The Manuscript has facillimo

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