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《灵界经历》 第3169节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3169

3169. Those who condemn others within themselves, and behave differently with the mouth

There was someone who in life was able outwardly to get along with others and to be appreciated by them, because he was careful how he spoke about others for the sake of his own fame and name. But still he inwardly condemned everyone, except his own, and those joined to him by personal friendship. So he condemned them to hell so dreadfully that those who heard him speaking out of the state of his proper thinking, into which he had been reduced-(and into which as well as into each state of his life he can easily be reduced, and then thinks the same, and others then hear his thoughts as those of one speaking, because they are mental images)-that those who heard him speaking his thoughts said repeatedly, "faseligit, faseligit!" 1


1. Swedish for "dreadful, dreadful!"

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3169


[There is] a certain one who, during life, could [posset, I think] live in externals with others, and be esteemed by others, because he spoke cautiously respecting others, on account of his reputation and name: but still inwardly he condemned everyone but his own [connections], and [those] joined to him by especial friendship. So that he condemned them to hell, so to speak, insomuch that they who heard him speaking from the state of his thought into which [he was] reduced; (and into which and every [state] of his life, he can easily be reduced, and then thinks the same): and others then hear his thoughts, as he speaks them, for they are [his] ideas: they who heard him speaking his thoughts, said often faseligit, faseligit.

Experientiae Spirituales 3169 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3169. Qui alios condemnant intra se, et aliter ore ferunt

Quidam in vita, qui in externis vivere cum aliis possit, et aestimari ab aliis, quia caute de aliis loquutus suae famae et nominis causa, sed usque interius unumquemvis condemnavit, praeter suos, et peculiari amicitia ei junctos, sic 1

ut condemnaverit eos ad infernum, ita dire, ut ii qui audiebant eum loquentem ex statu cogitationis suae, in quem redactus (et in quem et in unumquemvis [statum] suae vitae facile redigi potest, et tunc cogitat idem, et 2

alii tunc audiunt cogitationes ejus ut loquentis, quia ideae sunt)--ii 3

qui audiebant eum cogitata sua loquentem dicerent 4

saepe "faseligit {a}, faseligit,"


1. The Manuscript has junctos; sic

2. The Manuscript has idem:, et

3. The Manuscript has sunt, ii

4. The Manuscript has dicebant

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