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《灵界经历》 第3174节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3174

3174. On the intelligence of angels

I spoke with spirits about the intelligence of angels, that it is so great as to be indescribable and inconceivable. This may be evident from this one proposition, What is the fear of love?

The spirits who were present had no idea of this, so it was declared that what the fear of love is, in that single state of which we now speak, in the idea of angels may embrace so many things together that by this large volume only that single idea, and even then not the half of it, could be expressed to the human understanding. 1748, 15 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3174


I spoke with spirits concerning the intelligence of angels, that it is such as can [not] be described nor conceived: as may be apparent from this one [question] that was propounded, what [is] the fear of love. Spirits who were present had no idea thereof. Wherefore it was said that what the fear of love is [may be comprehended] in that state alone, whereof it was then said [that, therein] so many things can be simultaneously comprehended in the idea of angels as can [not] be described by a great volume. [It may be] but one idea, and yet not the half could have been expressed to human understanding. - 1748, September 15.

Experientiae Spirituales 3174 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3174. De intelligentia angelorum

Loquutus cum spiritibus de intelligentia angelorum, quod tanta sit ut describi nec concipi possit, sicut ab hoc uno constare possit, quod propositum, quid timor amoris? spiritus qui aderant nullam ideam ejus habebant, quare dictum, quod quid timor amoris, in eo solo statu, de quo tunc dicitur, in idea angelorum tam multa comprehendi simul possint, ut per magnum volumen hoc {a} describeretur solum una idea, et tamen non dimidium potuisset exprimi ad intellectum humanum. 1748, 15 Sept.

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