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《灵界经历》 第318节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 318

318. The cunning of the devil in distorting truths and goodness cannot be adequately expressed

Now from actual experience I have also learned that the cunning of the diabolic gang is so great that they could even corrupt the heavenly, if it were possible. For I was surrounded by very many of the devil's deceitful and pernicious gang, which, together with others in heaven collaborating with them, was distorting all thoughts from the Word of God the Messiah at that time. Indeed, they were able in an instant to seize from my mind truths that I understood; and they were turning them so skillfully into falsities, that the heavenly beings who were at some distance from that place began to be upset, until they could bear it no longer, thinking that even they had been able to be corrupted. This I was enabled to realize from their weeping and complaining.

So the cunning of the devil, who is held bound in hell, is such that he imagines himself able to corrupt even the heavenly, who, even though they are most safe, are nevertheless fearful.

That I was surrounded by such a diabolic gang, I was not only given to hear from the heavenly ones but also [to know] because of a clear sensation that came over me - of cool wind, whenever they were gathering together, and again, of a coldness that touched me; likewise by a vague sensation when they were in action, that is, when they were distorting truths into falsities, as well as by a loud voice scolding them, and from their replies. I heard it also from those who were then around me, who were saying that during this time they had been in hell, and had seen most dreadful things, and toward the end realized that they had been close to me. For hell is not in one place, but everywhere, as is heaven, too - in fact all the heavens, and God the Messiah. 1747, the 8th day of December.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 318


From living experience I have also now learnt that the cunning of the diabolic crew is so great that it would pervert even the heavenly ones 1if it were possible. For I was encompassed by a great many of the devil's deceitful and pernicious crew who, with others in heaven in communication with them, perverted all the things I thought, which at the time were from the Word of God Messiah, and were indeed truths which my mind apprehended: and they were able in a moment to take them from my mind, and they turned them into falsities so craftily that the heavenly ones, who were some distance away, began to be disturbed to the point that they could bear it no longer, supposing that they also might be perverted. This was given me to perceive from their lamentation and complaint. Such, therefore, is the cunning of the devil who is held bound in hell, that he supposes that he is even capable of perverting the heavenly ones, who, although they are most safe, still fear for themselves. That I was encompassed by such a diabolic crew, not only was I granted to hear from the heavenly ones, but also I was aware of it from manifest sensation. This was effected by a somewhat cold wind as often as they were gathered together, and again by the coldness affecting me, likewise by an obscure sensation that they were operating, that is to say, perverting truths into falsities, and also by their scolding in a loud voice, and from their replies. This was felt in like manner by those who were then around me, who said that in the meanwhile they had been in hell, and had seen most dreadful things. Towards the end, these spirits knew that they had been near me: for hell is not in any one place, but everywhere, as also is heaven, yea the heavens and God Messiah. 1747, Dec. 8.


1. In the Index (s.v. Angelus) they are called "Angelic Spirits".

Experientiae Spirituales 318 (original Latin 1748-1764)

318. Quod astutia diaboli pervertendi vera et bona non satis exprimi queat

Nunc ab experientia viva edoctus quoque sum, quod diabolicae turbae tanta astutia sit, ut etiam coelestes posset pervertere, si possibile esset, circumdabar enim quamultis 1

ex diaboli turba dolosa et perniciosa, quae cum aliis in coelo, cum iis communicantibus, pervertebant omnia;cogitata, quae erant tunc ex Verbo Dei Messiae et 2

qui dem veritates quas mens capiebat, et ii in momento ex mente mea capere possent-ac 3

ea tam solerter in falsitates vertebant, ut coelestes, qui ad distantiam abinde fuerunt, inciperent perturbari, adeo ut non amplius sustinere possent, putando, quod etiam ii potuissent perverti, quod percipere mihi dabatur, ex eorum lamentatione, et querela, quare talis est astutia diaboli, qui in inferno vinctus tenetur, ut etiam capacem se putet pervertere coelestes, qui tametsi tutissimi sunt, usque sibi timent; quod circumdabar turba diabolica tali, id non solum ex coelestibus audire mihi dabatur, sed etiam ex sensu manifesto, tam per frigidiusculum ventum, quoties congregarentur, et e novo, 4

per frigus, quo afficiebar, pariter persensationem obscuram, quum operarentur, nempe quum perverterent vera in falsa, tum etiam per increpationem viva voce, et ex eorum responsis, similiter ab iis qui tunc circum me erant, qui dicebant se interea in inferno fuisse, et dirissima vidisse, qui circa finem cognoscebant se prope me fuisse; nam infernum non est in uno loco, sed ubivis, sicut etiam coelum, imo coeli, et Deus Messias. 1747, die 8 Dec.


1. = quammultis

2. The Manuscript has Messiae, et

3. The Manuscript has possent, ac

4. In the Manuscript et e novo, supra non deletum quam interlinealiter postscriplum est

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