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《灵界经历》 第3195节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3195

3195. A great deal can be told about their very grievous punishments, so grievous, and also diverse-tearing apart their bodies, their heads, their earthly minds, intensifying their efforts to resist and the consequent anxieties-that they desire nothing more than their own death, indeed, long for death, but they cannot die.

I have watched many such punishments higher up overhead, a little toward the front on high, but on account of their cruelty they cannot be mentioned. They have been shown to me for hours at a time, one male or female after the other. 1748, 18 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3195

3195. Very many things may be related, concerning their most grievous punishments; which are so grievous: then also, various with discerptions of the body, head, natural minds, [with] resistance, hence anxiety [and] hardenings [durationibus] [that] they desire nothing but their death, yea, exceedingly desire death; but cannot die. Many such punishments were seen by me, upward; high above the head, a little in front, on high, but they cannot be described, on account of [their] cruelty. These were shown me for continuous hours: one [uno vel una] after another [was punished]. - 1748, September 19.

Experientiae Spirituales 3195 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3195. De gravissimis eorum suppliciis perplurima memorari possunt, quae ita gravia sunt, tum etiam varia, cum discerptionibus corporum, capitum, mentium naturalium, [cum] renisuum, anxietatum inde, durationibus, [ut] 1

non nisi quam mortem suam 2

cupiant 3

, imo 4

mortem exoptent 5

, sed non mori possunt; talia supplicia plura mihi visa sunt superius supra caput alte, antrorsum paulum alte, sed ob crudelitatem non memorari possunt. Haec mihi per continuas horas ostensa sunt, uno vel una succedente aliis. 1748, 18 6



1. cf. indicem ad Adulteria et Laceratio

2. The Manuscript has eorum

3. The Manuscript has cupiunt

4. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has in vel im

5. The Manuscript has exoptant

6. sic Manuscript fortasse pro 19

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