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《灵界经历》 第3198节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3198

3198. However, those who observe the marriage debt, but still do not love their husbands, but despise them, and at last count them as nothing, were symbolized to me at first by a cock, and later by some kind of tiger or cat of a dark color, with a little bit of gray. Thus it was symbolized that such [wives] begin in this way as cocks, talking a lot, and scolding, and are afterwards turned into the nature of such tigers. And because there are many like this, it was said that they nevertheless love their children, but this storge 1or love of children is no different than that of brute animals, which love their children even more than themselves. So also do these women, with whom there is not anything spiritual in their earthly part. 1748, 19 Sept.

Some of these were also a little farther forward, higher up, in whom there was not even a tiny spark of marriage love. They even impede the marriage process, because there is nothing of that love; added to this as a later confirmation is the fact that they are thus able to be in command.


1. Greed for "parental love."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3198

3198. Also [those women] who observe the conjugial debt, but still do not love [their] husbands, but despise them, and at length count them as nothing, were first represented [significatae] to me by a cock, and afterwards by a tiger or sort of cat, of obscure color, in which there was a slight grayish [griseum] color [shade]. It was thus signified that such thus begin like cocks, with much speaking and scolding, [and] afterwards are turned into the nature of such a tiger; and inasmuch as there are many of such a character, it was said that they still love [their] children, but this is not storge or love of children any more than [is that] of the brutes, which thus love [their] children, and indeed more than themselves. Such also are those with whom there is no spiritual principle in [their] natural. - 1748, September 19. Such also were in front, a little above, who had not even a spark of conjugial love. They also restrain the conjugial [principle] because they have no such love. An after consideration comes in to confirm [this] that thus they are able to command.

Experientiae Spirituales 3198 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3198. Quae autem observant debitum conjugiale, sed usque non amant maritos, sed eos vilipendunt, et tandem pro nihilo aestimant, significatae mihi primum per gallum, et postea per tigridem seu felem quandam obscuri coloris, in quo griseum parum, ita significatum quod tales ita incipiant sicut galli, multa loquendo, et increpando, postea in tigridum talium naturam vertuntur; et quia plures tales sunt, dicebatur quod liberos usque ament, sed hoc non est storge seu amor liberorum alius quam est brutorum, quae ita amant liberos, ut 1

quidem prae se, ita tales quoque, apud quas non est spirituale quoddam in naturali. 1748, 19 Sept. Tales quoque antrorsum paulum superius erant, in quibus ne quidem scintilla amoris conjugialis erat; etiam conjugiale inhibent, quia nihil est amoris talis, accedit quoque ut confirmans postea, quod sic imperare possint.


1. The Manuscript has et

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