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《灵界经历》 第3208节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3208

3208. About a heavenly secret

It is a heavenly secret that marriage love can, in appearance, so deeply enter into heaven that it reaches the innermost region with the feeling of happiness. This is according to the appearance. The reason why there is actually communication [of that love with heaven] is that the Lord's life streams in through the innermost heaven, then through one after the other following heavens into the marriage love of those who are kept in it by the Lord, with whom it cannot appear otherwise than as if it enters heaven from them. 1748, 20 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3208


It is a heavenly arcanum, that conjugial love may so enter into heaven according to appearance, as [to reach] the inmost with a perception of felicity. This according to appearance. That communication is also actually given, is because the life of the Lord inflows, through the inmost heaven, thus, in order, through consequents, into the conjugial love of those who are kept such by the Lord, amongst whom, it does not appear other than that it enters from them into heaven. - 1748, September 20.

Experientiae Spirituales 3208 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3208. De arcano coelesti

Arcanum coeleste est, quod amor conjugialis ita quoad apparentiam intrare queat in coelum, ut ad intimum cum perceptione felicitatis; hoc secundum apparentiam; quod etiam communicatio actualiter detur, est quia Domini vita influit per intimum coelum sic ordine per consequentes in amorem conjugialem, eorum qui tales a Domino tenentur, apud quos non aliter apparere potest quam ut ab iis in coelis intret. 1748, 20 Sept.

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