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《灵界经历》 第3216节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3216

3216. to a greater distance away to the left, rather deep down, and lay there as if deprived of life, so they thought that all life had been taken away from him. He still spoke a few words, but being raised up nevertheless, he said he had been as he was in the world, or in the body, which shows what a spirit is like when let back into his own state such as it had been when he possessed his body. This one being such as he was, said that he loved that life. So he was let into it again, I believe, and that life was left to him such as had been taken away, and what remains is little of life, along with torment, such as I once experienced.

When he was in this state of life, he begged pitifully to be liberated. I do not remember his words, but he lamented pitifully, and was therefore soon let back into the other state of life. When he returned into it, he again spoke out his hatreds, saying he would never pardon them.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3216

3216. and he was therefore cast, to a greater distance thence, deep down [profundius], on the left, and there lay as if deprived of life, so that he supposed all of life had been taken away from him: he still spoke a few words, but yet being raised up, said that he had then been, as he was in the world, or in the body. Hence it may be evident, what is the quality of a spirit, when remitted in such a state as was his when in the body. He, because of such a nature, said that he loves that life. Wherefore he was again sent thither, I believe, and such a life was left him, as was taken away, and there remains a little of life, with torment: such [a life] as I was once in: when in that state of life, he piteously begged to be liberated. I do not remember his words [ejus vocis]: but he made piteous lamentation. He was therefore presently remitted into another state of life, into which, when he returned, he again uttered his hatreds, so that he never forgave them.

Experientiae Spirituales 3216 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3216. [vide 3215]

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