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《灵界经历》 第3215节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3215

3215. This same deceitful murderer-while the life of spirits was being discussed and the fact that there is only one life, namely that of the Lord, thus of Love, and it was shown that all are only implements of life, and the life of the Lord flowing in is varied according to the quality of the implements; then that love alone is life, and this was shown, that man and spirit without loves and the desires thereof possess no life-then the deceitful murderer took on the appearance of an inanimate mass, portraying himself as such from deceit, and then perchance pouring his deceits around like poisons. This made the other spirits grow angry at him, and therefore he was thrown

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3215

3215. The same deceitful assassin, when it was said [loquutum est] concerning the life of spirits, that there is but one [unica] life, to wit [that] of the Lord, consequently [that] of love: and it was shown that all were merely organs of life, and the life of the Lord inflowed, and was varied according to the quality of the organs: also that love alone is life, and this was shown that man and spirit without loves and their cupidities enjoy no life, then the deceitful assassin appeared like an inanimate mass: thus did he represent himself out of deceit: and then perhaps spread [his] deceits around, like poisons; wherefore other spirits were indignant at him;

Experientiae Spirituales 3215 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3215. Idem homocida dolosus, cum loquutum est de vita spirituum, quod unica sit vita nempe Domini, proinde Amoris, et ostensum, quod omnes solum organa vitae essent, et vita Domini influens, variaretur secundum organorum qualitatem, tum quod solus amor sit vita, et hoc ostensum, quod homo et spiritus absque amoribus, et eorum cupiditatibus nulla vita gaudeat: tunc homocida dolosus apparuit sicut moles inanimata, ita se ex dolo repraesentans, et 1

tunc forte dolos sicut venena circumfundens, quare indignati alii

(3216.) spiritus in eum; et ideo conjectus est in majorem inde distantiam ad sinistrum profundius, et ibi orbatus quasi vita jacuit, sic ut putarent omnem ei vitam ademptam fuisse, loquutus usque pauca, sed usque sublatus, dixit se tunc fuisse sicut fuit in mundo seu in corpore, inde constare potest, qualis spiritus, cum remissus in statum suum, qualis dum corporeus: is quia talis, dixit se amare istam vitam; quare iterum missus, ut reor, illuc, et ei talis vita relicta, qualis cum adimitur, et remanet parum vitae cum cruciatu, in quali ego semel fui, in quo vitae statu cum esset, miserabiliter petiit, ut liberaretur 2

, voces ejus non memini, sed miserabiliter lamentatus, mox ideo remissus, in statum vitae alium, in quem cum rediit, iterum odia sua proloquutus, quod nusquam ignosceret.


1. The Manuscript has repraesentans; quare et

2. In the Manuscript ad imam paginam in spatiunculo sub libera- scriptum et lineis transversis deletum, potius in forma memorandi: Quod exploratum sit ab angelis numextellure in universo sub via lactea.

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