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《灵界经历》 第3218节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3218

3218. About a threshing undulation

I woke up, and above my head was a column the width of my head performing a kind of piercing undulation that flowed in like those who rather roughly twist themselves in by a kind of wavy boring motion. It first seemed to pass through my head, then not so plainly to the feeling, through my body, but [plainly] through the sole of my left foot, where it touched down. Thus as a column it was boring through, and this kept on for quite a long time.

I asked mentally or by speech who they were, it was said they were seeking someone here who was with me. This was also told to me. It was imparted that they were those who in bodily life assiduously search through the thoughts of others; but now it is being suggested that they are the kind among inward spirits who have in mind to extinguish the souls of others, but who profess otherwise with the mouth. 1748, 21 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3218


I awoke, and above my head [appeared], as it were, a pillar [column], the size of my head, which acted like a perforating undulation; thus when it inflowed, like those who writhe themselves undulating somewhat grossly, by a sort of boring; it first, as it were, passed through the head, then, not so [plainly] to the feeling, [passed through] the body, but [plainly] through the sole of the left foot, where it bored through, thus boring like a pillar [columnatim], and this lasted quite a long time. It was inquired in mind or by speech who they were. It was said that they sought here for someone who was with me; this was also said to me; it was insinuated that these are they who in the life of the body scrutinize attentively the thoughts of others, but it is now insinuated that such are among the interior spirits who have a mind to destroy [exstinguant] the souls of others, but who make a different profession with the mouth. - 1748, September 21.

Experientiae Spirituales 3218 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3218. De trituratoria undulatione

Evigilatus, et supra caput meum sicut columna amplitudinis capitis, quae agebat sicut undulatio perforatoria, sic dum influeret, sicut ii qui intorquent se undulando crassiuscule per speciem 1

terebrationis 2

, quae primum caput quasi pertransiit, tum non ita, ad sensum, corpus, sed plantam sinistri pedis, quo pertigit, sic columnatim perterebrans, et hoc satis diu persistens; quaerebatur mente vel loquela quinam essent, dictum quod quaererent hic aliquem, qui penes me; hoc quoque mihi dictum; insinuatum quod essent ii qui in vita corporis sedulo perscrutantur cogitata aliorum 3

; sed nunc insinuatur, quod tales sint inter spiritus interiores qui animo gerunt, ut exstinguant animas aliorum, sed qui aliter ore profitentur. 1748, 21 Sept.


1. The Manuscript has specie

2. The Manuscript has terrebrationis

3. The Manuscript has aliis (vide indicem ad Caput et alibi)

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