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《灵界经历》 第3228节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3228

3228. Afterwards, when he had become almost as before and the little inward one had been joined to him, this murderer, because he had been spirited in the life of the body and had aspired to perhaps the highest dignities, was told that he knew the punishment proscribed by the laws of the earth for those who perpetrate such things-that they would be buried among their like in a profane place. And he was asked, if someone else had committed such a crime, and he were to judge him, what kind of a judgment would he pass? He said that he would be among those most severe judges, and would therefore condemn him. So he condemned himself. 1748, 21 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3228

3228. Afterwards that assassin, when he again became nearly such as he was before, and the little interior [spirit] joined to him, inasmuch as he was courageous [high-minded] in the life of the body, and had aspired to dignities perhaps the highest; he was told that he knew their punishment according to the laws of earth; that they who perpetrate such things were buried within such [a spot in a profane place]; and it was said to him if anyone had committed such [a crime], and he should judge him, what sort of judgment would he pass; he said that he would be one of the sternest [maxime serios] judges, and would so condemn him: wherefore he condemned himself. - 1748, September 21.

Experientiae Spirituales 3228 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3228. Postea homocida is, cum iterum factus fere sicut prius, et ei junctus interior parvus, quia animosus in vita corporis, et aspiraverat ad dignitates forte summas, ei dictum quod sciret poenam eorum, secundum leges terrae, qui talia patrent, ut sepelirentur inter tales in loco prophano; et ei dictum, si alius quis commisisset 1

tale, et is judicaret, quale judicium ferret? dixit, quod is foret inter judices istos maxime serios, et damnaret eum ita, quare semet damnavit. 1748, 21 [Sept] 2



1. The Manuscript has commississet

2. sic in J.F.I. Tafel's edition

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