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《灵界经历》 第3229节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3229

3229. About the rainbow

Different kinds of rainbows such as I had seen previously quite often before my eyes, were displayed to me just now also. In the middle of these was something green, like a lawn, and behind this an earth, with a sun not visible, but shining on it, and at the same time shedding light round about, so bright and beautiful that it cannot be described. No comparison exists of that light with our day or noonday light. Then in that bright environment were most beautiful variegations on a light-filled pearl-colored plane. The variations of color were without number. 1748, 21 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3229


(There were represented to me species of rainbows which were often seen previously before the eyes, and now whilst in the midst of such a scene, [I saw] a sort of green, as it were, grassy [spot], and after that, as it were, an earth [tellurem]. [There was] a sun not visible but illuminating it, and at the same time diffused a light round about, so bright and beautiful, that it cannot be described. No comparison exists between that light, and our light of day or noon, also in that lucid circumference [were seen] most beautiful variations of color: in a lucid pearly plane [ground]: indefinite are the variations of this sort. - 1748, September 21.)

Experientiae Spirituales 3229 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3229. De Iride

Repraesentatae mihi species iridum, quae saepius prius visae ante oculos, nunc quoque, ubi in medio viride quoddam sicut herbaceum, et post id sicut {a} tellurem sol inconspicuus, sed illuminans id, et simul diffundens lucem circum circum, tam candidam et pulchram, ut non describi queat, non comparatio datur istius lucis cum luce diurna seu meridiana nostra; tunc in lucida ista circumferentia, variationes colorificae pulcherrimae, in lucido margaritico plano, quae variationes dantur indefinitae. 1748, 21 Sept.

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