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《灵界经历》 第3230节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3230

3230. Thoughts are brought forth in the other life

By experience I have been informed that whatever of good anyone has thought and spoken during the life of the body can be brought forth. The person is let back into that state, then all and the least things open up to him, and at the same time then the angels know whatever he has thought and spoken. So the memory of personal details is not erased in the other life. But what one has thought and spoken is not uncovered unless the Lord permits and grants it. 1748, 21 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3230


I am informed from experience, that whatever good [anyone] has thought and spoken in the life of the body, that this can be brought forth: he is remitted into that state: then each and all things [pertaining] to him are opened, and then at the same time angels know whatever they had thought and spoken. Wherefore the memory of particulars is never obliterated in the other life: but what he has thought and spoken is not revealed unless the Lord permits and allows. - 1748, September 21.

Experientiae Spirituales 3230 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3230. Quod cogitationes in altera vita producantur

Ab experientia informatus sum, quod quicquid boni cogitavit et loquutus [quis] 1

in vita corporis, hoc produci queat, remittitur in statum istum, tunc omnia et singula ei patescunt et simul tunc angeli sciunt quicquid cogitaverat, et loquutus est 2

; quare memoria particularium nusquam obliteratur in altera vita, sed non retegitur quid cogitavit et loquutus, nisi Domino permittente, et concedente. 1748, 21 Sept.


1. sic in J.F.I. Tafel's edition

2. The Manuscript has cogitaverant et loquati sunt

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