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《灵界经历》 第3236节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3236

3236. Nevertheless, the spirits of this [our] earth spoke with them in angelic ideas and told them much more promptly what they did not know, and what they did know, and many things more quickly than they, so that I perceived that they acknowledged, as they also admitted, that they were therefore not anything in comparison, that ours knew things they did not know, also that ours knew at once what they did know-this so suddenly by means of inward ideas that they could not help being amazed, as they are now interpolating. Later they spoke with indignation, so grosser spirits were coming, even evil ones.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3236

3236. (Still, however, spirits of this world [telluris] spoke with these, by angelic ideas, and said, much more readily than those [spirits of Mercury] what they did not know and what they knew; and very many things more rapidly than those [spirits of Mercury], so that I perceived those [spirits of Mercury] acknowledge, like as they also confessed, that therefore they were nothing as compared [with our spirits]; that [our spirits] knew things which they did not know; also, that [our spirits] knew at once what they knew: this so suddenly, by means of interior ideas, that they could not but have been amazed, as they now allege. Afterwards, they spoke in indignation; thus grosser spirits overcame, even the evil [ones].)

Experientiae Spirituales 3236 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3236. Usque tamen spiritus hujus {a} telluris cum iis ideis angelicis loquuti sunt et promptius multo dicebant eis, quid non scirent, et quid scirent, et perplura citius quam ii, sic ut perciperem eos agnoscere, sicut etiam fassi, quod sic non essent aliquid respective, quod [illi] scirent ea quae ii non scirent, tum quod scirent illico quae scirent; hoc tam subito, per ideas interiores, ut non potuissent non admirari, ut nunc inserunt; postea in indignatione loquuti; ita crassiores spiritus veniebant, etiam mali.

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