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《灵界经历》 第3241节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3241

3241. About the spirits of the Moon, so called

Spirits were coming above my head, and when they spoke were only thundering. Something of a voice or speech was being sent down out of their midst, as if something was opening up, as it does when flashes of lightning are sent down out of the clouds. It appeared as if a huge multitude of spirits were above me, and I was thinking they belonged to some planet as yet unknown. But spirits of our earth crudely more simple, to my surprise kept on laughing at them, because they were intercepting my thoughts about where these spirits came from and who they were. Those [ridiculing] spirits were then let down into the depths so they would not interfere, yet others could not restrain themselves from making fun of them in almost the same way.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3241


(Spirits came above my head: when they merely spoke they thundered [tonabant]: something of voice or speech was let down from the midst, as if something opened itself, as happens when lightnings are let out of the clouds. There appeared, as it were, a great multitude of spirits above me. I thought they belonged to some world [and were] not yet known; but the more simple and gross spirits of our world, continually ridiculed them; whereat I marveled; because they intercepted thoughts, no matter from whence [they were] and what spirits they might be. These spirits were then let down into the depths [in profundum], that they might not hinder: yet others could not restrain themselves from laughing at them, in nearly the same manner.

Experientiae Spirituales 3241 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3241. De spiritibus Lunae ita dictis

Spiritus veniebant supra caput meum, et cum loquerentur solum tonabant, quiddam vocis seu loquelae demittebatur e medio, sicut se aperiret quid, ut solet dum fulgura e nubibus demittuntur: apparuit sicut ingens multitudo spirituum supra me, [ego] cogitans quoo alicujus telluris essent, nondum cogniti {a}, at spiritus nostrae 1

telluris crasse simpliciores eos jugiter irridebant, quod miratus, quia intercipiebant cogitationes [de eo], unde et quinam spiritus; isti spiritus tunc demissi in profundum ne impedirent, usque alii non potuerunt se retinere, quin similiter fere eos illuderent.


1. In the Manuscript nostri in nostrae emendatum

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