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《灵界经历》 第3242节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3242

3242. Then I saw faintly some appearing as little children, and one of them carrying someone whose face was clearly visible to me, with (mossa pa hufwudet 1). At first I thought from his face that he was a little child, but after studying and considering it, [I realized] that he was a little person, or manikin, because the face was not childlike, somewhat longer but narrow, like that of a not unattractive person. He was carried into my sight by another small one, whom I did not see.


1. Swedish for "a cap on [his] head."

3242. 1/2. The one who was seen being carried in this manner came to me at my left side below the arm and spoke with me. He said he was like that, quite small, not knowing where he came from, but still that when he spoke, his voice then sounded just like the voice of those overhead. He even showed me how he spoke. It seemed to come from the abdomen so that much speech flooded out with a lot of noise, and it was a kind of vocal gurgling sound that cannot well be described.

Now in order to show that he was capable of a voice or vocal sound that seemed to thunder, like a huge multitude of spirits, he even withdrew a little, still being in my vicinity, and while he was speaking in the same way, then along with the voice it sounded as if the sky was thundering. Then he came back again and showed the nature of the voice, that it was from the abdomen, a belching. So I also realized that they were inflated and imagined themselves great, even though they were so small.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3242

3242. Then were some seen by me obscurely, as it were infants; and one carried a certain one, who appeared to me distinctly so far as the face, with [mossa pa hufwudet]: he was at first supposed from the face [to be] an infant, but was examined and considered [to be] a manniken [homuncio] or a little man [dwarf]; because his face [was] not infantile, being somewhat long, but of small breadth, like that of at ill-proportioned man [invenusti] he was carried into my sight by another as small a [man] whom I did not see.

3242 1/2. He who was thus carried and seen, came to me, below the arm, on the left side, and spoke with me, and said that he was such a one, so small, and not knowing whence [he came]; but that still when he spoke his voice - then sounded just like the voice of those who [are] above the head: he also showed me how he spoke, that it was, as if from the abdomen, and that he thus belched out [egurgitaret] much speech with much sound, and there was a sort of egurgitation of sound, with the voice, which cannot so [easily] be described; and in order that he might show what belongs to such voice or sound of voice, that he might as it were thunder, like a great multitude of spirits, he also withdrew a little, still [was] near me, and spoke similarly: then I heard as it were the thunder of heaven along with his voice: and he again returned, and showed the nature of [his] voice, that it was from the abdomen, and [was] an eructation. Thus it was also perceived that they were swollen [inflated] [tumidi] and supposed themselves to be great, although they were so little.

Experientiae Spirituales 3242 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3242. Tunc mihi visi sunt obscure aliqui tanquam infantes, et unus portans quendam, qui mihi clare apparuit quoad faciem, cum (mossa pa hufwudet {b}), facie primum putabatur infans, sed perspectus et consideratus erat homuncio seu homunculus, quia facies non infantilis, ut longior sed latitudine brevi, sicut hominis non invenusti, is erat portatus in conspectum meum ab alio tali parvo, quem non vidi.

3242a. Is qui ita portatus et visus venit ad me ad sinistrum latus infra brachium, et loquutus mecum, et dixit quod talis esset, tam parvus, et nesciens unde, sed usque quod cum loqueretur vox ejus tunc sonaret ita sicut eorum vox qui supra caput, mihi quoque ostendebat quomodo loqueretur, quod erat sicut ex abdomine et sic egurgitaret multum loquelae cum multo sono, et erat quaedam species egurgitationis soni cum voce, quae non ita describi potest, utque ostenderet, quod talis vox seu sonus vocis secum haberet ut quasi tonaret, sicut ingens multitudo spirituum, etiam paulum discessit, usque prope me, et similiter loquens, tunc auditum cum voce sicut tonaret coelum: rediitque iterum, et ostendebat vocis naturam quod ex abdomine, et eructatio; ita perceptum quoque quod tumidi essent, et putarent se esse magni, tametsi ita parvi.

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