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《灵界经历》 第3245节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3245

3245. From this experience I was now able to gather that this was a human kind, but without knowing to what province in the body they related. For this reason spirits of that earth came within me, either these or others, and thereby I was enabled to realize that they related to the scutiform or xiphoid 1cartilage, in which the ribs terminate in front, and which is the fulcrum of the diaphragm muscles at the front side, and therefore also of the abdominal muscles. See whether or not the linea alba crosses over to that cartilage and from there continues downward, so that it would be the common fulcrum, together with the linea alba, of the abdominal muscles. 1748, 22 Sept.


1. = "shield-shaped or sword-shaped."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3245

3245. Hence, I could now perceive, that it was such as the human race, but I did not know what province in the body they represented [had reference to]. Wherefore spirits of that earth, either these or others, came within me, and it hence was granted to perceive, that they had reference to the scutiform or xiphoid cartilage wherein the ribs are terminated in front, and which is the fulcrum of the muscles of the diaphragm, on the anterior side, and thus of the muscles of the abdomen also. It may be seen whether or no the linea alba passes to that cartilage, and hence [if this cartilage] is continued downward, so as to be the common fulcrum with the linea alba of the muscles of the abdomen. - 1748, September 22).

Experientiae Spirituales 3245 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3245. Exinde nunc percipere potui quod tale genus humanum esset, sed quam provinciam referrent in corpore nesciens; quare spiritus istius telluris intus me veniebant, sive ii sive alii, et inde percipere datum quod ii referrent cartilaginem scutiformem seu xiphoiden 1

, in quam terminantur costae antrorsum, et quae est fulcrum musculorum diaphragmatis ab anteriori parte, et sic quoque musculorum abdominis; videatur annon linea alba transeat ad cartilaginem istam, et inde continuetur deorsum, sic ut sit commune fulcrum cum linea alba, musculorum abdominis. 1748, 22 Sept.


1. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition: "xiphoidem pro xyloiden"; vide indicem ad Os, Ossis 704"

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