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《灵界经历》 第3244节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3244

3244. I spoke about what earth they were from, and I somehow got the feeling that they were from the Moon. The thought occurred that they are not like others, because they do not have their kind of atmosphere; and what atmosphere they do have around them I do not know. But still I know that a human race was there, because there is nothing without a purpose. So there is nothing without a human race to be the link between natural earthly and heavenly things. For otherwise an earth could never exist, whether it be a planet, or a moon, or a satellite.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3244

3244. I spoke concerning what earth they were from, and it was granted me to perceive to some extent [after a manner] that they were from the Moon. It came into my thought [cogiatatem] that they [were] not similar to others because they have not such an atmosphere; and I am ignorant what atmosphere they have around them; but still that the human race was there, because there is nothing without an end: thus [so] nothing without the human race, to be a [the] bond between terrestrial and natural things, and celestial things: for otherwise, never can an earth, whether planet, or moon, or satellite, exist [duri].

Experientiae Spirituales 3244 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3244. Loquutus de qua tellure ii essent, et quodammodo mihi percipere datum quod essent ex Luna; cogitatum quod non similes aliis, quia non talis atmosphaera, et quam atmosphaeram habent circum se, ignoro, at usque quod genus humanum ibi esset, quia nihil sine fine, ita nihil sine genere humano, ut esset vinculum inter terrestria et naturalia, et coelestia: nam alioquin nusquam dari potest tellus, sive planeta sit sive luna, sive satelles.

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