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《灵界经历》 第3247节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3247

3247. Soon after this it moved back to a distance, where it was bright, but constricted. What was there I was unable to see. The hand also drew back to that place, and then this flamy thing was gradually changed into a bird of the same color, a beautiful one, and the bird also changed colors, in fact into a rather pearly shade. Then it was like a pearl, and it stretched out its wings, and as a living bird of pearl, it flew off for a short distance forwards, and returned. It appeared once also as a darker bird, almost as a (steglitsa 1) but without colors; again as a beautiful bird, so it was raised up out of sight.


1. Swedish for "goldfinch."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3247

3247. Shortly it was removed to a distance, where it was bright, but straitened - what was there I could not see. The hand receded thither also; then this flamy [principle] was changed by degrees into a beautiful bird of similar color, and the bird was also changed, as to colors even into a pearly species. It was then like a pearl [lapis margaritica]; also expanded its wings and [acted] like a living bird; and like a living bird flew thence to a little distance, in front, and returned: it also appeared once as a more obscure bird; [bird of a more obscure color], nearly like [steglisa]; but without colors, again like a beautiful bird, [and] so was raised up out of sight).

Experientiae Spirituales 3247 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3247. Mox removebatur ad distantiam, ubi erat lucidum, sed angustum, quid ibi non potui videre, manus illuc quoque recessit, tunc flammeum hoc mutabatur sensim in avem similis coloris, pulchram, et avis quoque mutabatur quoad colores, etiam in margariticam speciem, tunc erat sicut lapis margariticus, alas quoque expandebat, et sicut avis viva, et sicut avis margaritica volabat inde ad paucam distantiam, antrorsum, et rediit, apparuit semel etiam [ut] obscurior avis paene sicut (steglitsa {a}) sed absque coloribus; iterum ut avis pulchra, ita sublatum visui.

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