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《灵界经历》 第3253节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3253

3253. The inner law passed away when the Law was decreed from Zion 1

It was imparted, and clearly seen by a spiritual mental image, that the people of old or sons of the ancient church knew the law as if it had been written on them, that is, that as soon as they had been instructed by their parents, then led by the Lord they grasped what the law dictates, among other things that were decreed at that time, because people were then of that nature.

But afterwards that quality was erased to such an extent that even if instructed a thousand times, they still could not grasp that something was true and good, but were held back [from evils] on account of punishments and by means of outer restraints. Thus when the inner person was opposed and set against [the law], it was bridled by outer restraints. So the inner law was then erased at the time when the law was decreed from Zion. 1748, 22 Sept. What the law is like with the outer person when the inner is opposed, I also grasped-that it is as if what is internal is nothing.


1. I. e., Sinai (see A. Acton, The Word Explained, Vol. I, p. 222, footnote 9).

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3253


It was insinuated, and ascertained by spiritual idea, that the ancients, or sons of the ancient Church, were aware that a law was as it were inscribed in themselves; to wit, that having been first instructed by parents, [and] then having been led by the Lord, they perceived, what the law dictates, and many things which were then promulgated, because man was then of such a character; but afterwards, that this was so obliterated, that if they had been even instructed a thousand times, still they could not perceive what [was] that true and good, but refrained on account of punishments, and, by means of external bonds, so that he was coerced by externals, since the internal man was averse and contrary. Wherefore the law thus internal was obliterated at the time when the law was promulgated from Sion. - 1749, September 22. It was also perceived of what quality [is] the law with the external man when the internal [man] is averse, [namely] that there is as it were nothing internal.

Experientiae Spirituales 3253 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3253. Quod perierit lex interna, cum promulgata Lex a Sione {a}

Insinuatum, et idea spirituali perspectum, quod veteres seu filii antiquae ecclesiae noverint sicut sibi inscriptam legem, nempe ut primum instructi a parentibus, quod dein a Domino ducti perceperint, quod lex dictat, et plura, quae dein promulgata sunt, quia homo talis tunc fuit; at postea illud ita obliteratum esse, ut si vel instructi millies, non usque percipere potuerint, quod illud verum et bonum, sed abstinuerint propter poenas et per externa vincula, sic ut ab externis cogeretur, cum internus homo repugnaret et contrarius esset; quare lex sic interna obliterata est tempore cum lex promulgata erat e Sionea. 1748, 22 Sept. Qualis lex penes hominem externum, repugnante interno, perceptum quoque, quod sicut nihil internum.

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