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《灵界经历》 第3255节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3255

3255. On how the spirits of Mercury replied to our spirits

Spirits of our earth were with them, and spoke with them, asking them in whom they believed; they said that they believed God. But because it is their character not to want to answer questions, they said that this is how they are and they would not tell them in whom they believe, nevertheless that they know. So in turn they asked the spirits of our earth whom they believed in. They replied, in the Lord God. The spirits of Mercury said at once that from that answer they discern immediately - they have exquisite perception-that they believe in none of them. This left the spirits of our earth speechless, and they could make no reply whatever. 1748, 22 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3255


The spirits of our earth were with them, and spoke with them [and] asked them in whom they believed; they said that they believed in God; but as their disposition is to be unwilling to answer questions, they said that they are such that they do not say in whom they believe, nevertheless that they know. Wherefore in turn they asked the spirits of our earth in whom they believed. They answered that [they believed] in the Lord God. The spirits of Mercury said immediately that they at once perceive from their reply [they have exquisite perception], that they believe in none of them. Wherefore the spirits of our earth were speechless, and were not able to answer anything. - 1748, September 22.

Experientiae Spirituales 3255 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3255. De spiritibus Mercurii quomodo responderint nostris spiritibus

Spiritus nostrae telluris erant apud eos, et cum iis loquuti, eos interrogabant, in quem crederent, dicebant quod crederent Deum, at quia eorum indoles est, ut nolint respondere ad quaestiones, dicebant, quod tales sint, ut non iis dicant in quem credunt, se tamen scire; quare vicissim interrogabant nostrae telluris spiritus, in quem ii crederent, respondebant quod in Dominum Deum, spiritus Mercurii dicebant illico, quod percipiant ex eorum responso illico (perceptionem habent exquisitam) quod in nullum eorum credant, quare nostrae telluris spiritus obmutescebant, nec quicquam poterant respondere. 1748, 22 Sept.

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