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《灵界经历》 第3256节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3256

3256. On the spirits of Mercury, that they wish to know things to come

Certain things were written about coming events. When I did not want to read them in their presence, they were very indignant, and wishing to inveigh against me, contrary to customary good manners, they said only that I was the worst person, and the like. From this one may conclude how much they delight especially in the knowledge of future events, because they are the inner sense. And besides, they were allowed to raise up something out of my inward memory, which was done quickly, without my knowing what it was, nor [did they raise up] anything but certain dreams, and the like. These spirits are so clever that they see at once from [the memories of] other spirits, and from their own, what they know. They cannot cast things opposite in their way, for then they would not be able to stay in their company. 1748, 22 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3256


Certain things were written concerning what is to come. When I was unwilling to read these in their presence, they were highly indignant, and desired to scoff at me, contrary to [their] usual custom, only saying that I was the worst [of men] and the like. Hence may be concluded how much special delight they take in the knowledges of future things, because they are the internal sense; and moreover, it was granted them to excite something from my interior memory, which was done readily, besides that, I knew what it was. (They did not [excite] anything but certain dreams, and the like. Such is the sagacity of those spirits, that they immediately perceive from others, and their [ideas] what they know. To such they cannot propose opposites [for] thus they could not be present in their society. - 1748, September 22.

Experientiae Spirituales 3256 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3256. De spiritibus Mercurii, quod cupiant scire ventura

Quaedam de venturis scripta sunt, quae cum ea legere nollem in praesentia eorum, valde indignati sunt, et invehere cupientes in me, contra morem solitum, dicentes modo quod pessimus essem, ac similia, exinde concludi potest, quantum delectentur praecipue cognitionibus rerum futurarum, quia sensus internus sunt; et praeterea iis datum est aliquid excitare ex memoria mea interiore, quod fiebat prompte, praeter quod {a} scirem quid esset; nec nisi quam quaedam somnia, et similia: talis est istorum spirituum solertia, ut illico ex aliis, et suis [spiritibus] percipiant, quid sciunt; quibus {b} non opposita objicere possunt, [nam] sic non possent interesse eorum societati. 1748, 22 Sept.

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