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《灵界经历》 第3262节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3262

3262. Further, one woman of the inhabitants of that earth was shown to me. She had a beautiful face, a smaller face than those of our earth, also having a more graceful body, in height about equal to the inhabitants of our earth. Her head was wrapped in a linen cloth not artistically placed but still quite properly. I also saw someone from the inhabitants of Mercury of like stature, more graceful of body than an inhabitant of our earth.

Afterwards I saw a species of their oxen or cows which, although not much different from ours, were much smaller, even approaching to a species of stag of a yellowish brown color.

Thereafter there was sent to me by the spirits of Mercury a long paper made up of many papers glued together, which were printed by types (tryckta 1), just like what in this world is printed by press. I asked whether they had these things on their earth, but they said they are only showing that they know these things are on this earth,


1. Swedish for "printed."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3262

3262. (Moreover there was shown me a woman [female] of the inhabitants of [that] earth; she was of a beautiful face, smaller in face than [the women] of our earth, also more graceful in body - of a height nearly equal to the inhabitants of our earth. Her head was wrapped in linen, not arranged with art, but still becomingly. I also saw a man of the inhabitants of Mercury, of similar stature, more graceful in body than the inhabitants of our earth. There was afterwards seen, a species of their oxen or cows, which did not indeed differ much from ours, but [was] much smaller, also approaching somewhat a species of stag [hart], of a brownish yellow color. There was afterwards sent to me by the spirits of Mercury a long paper [charta], made up from many papers, which were imprinted by types [tryckta]; just like what is impressed with type here in the world. I asked whether they had such things amongst themselves, but it was said that they only showed that they know.

Experientiae Spirituales 3262 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3262. Praeterea ostensa mihi una faemina incolarum telluris, quae erat pulchra facie, minor facile quam nostrae telluris, gracilior etiam corpore, longitudine fere aequalis nostrae telluris incolis, capite erat amicta linteo non arte posito, sed usque satis decenter, homo etiam mihi visus ex incolis Mercurii similis staturae, corpore gracilior quam nostrae telluris incola. Visa postea species eorum boum seu vaccarum, quae quidem non multum differebat a nostris, sed multo minor, quodammodo accedens quoque ad speciem cervinam, coloris brunei flavi. Postea mihi a spiritibus Mercurii missa erat charta longa, a pluribus chartis conglutinata, quae erant typis impressae (tryckta {a}), sicut hic in mundo ea quae typo exarata, quaesivi num talia haberent apud semet, sed dictum quod solum ostendant se scire, quod in hac tellure talia sint,

(3263.) et nunc addunt, quod in hac tellure eorum cognitiones tales sint, sic ut sint ita exaratae; non volentes dicere, quod putent cognitiones rerum in hac tellure esse solum scriptas ita, tum quoque subsannando, quod homines hic sint mortui quasi, seu modo chartae tales, ita interiora hujus telluris considerant: quare etiam eos fugiunt, quia nihil sciunt nisi ex chartis; sequutus sic eorum cogitationes, cum haec scripsi.

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